It seems that you don't want guidelines as you directed snark at the suggestions made in response to the post, suggestions some consider mighty fine guidelines. Is it ok that some people can do things that other's cannot? Absolutely. Reputation is earned after all, and some have earned a repugnant reputation that follows them. No one said that it's wrong to vote for content you like, in fact it's the exact same guidelines that you ridiculed and sought to make it seem as if there is some "double standard" and hypocrisy where there is none. You CAN do what you want with your stake regardless of how you "earned" it, just as everyone else can do so. But then you didn't say anything after all, you only opened your mouth to remove all doubt as to the Reputation you Deserve, because nothing says you're a fag like hurling accusatory nonsense at some of the most respected people on here as the punctuation to your posturing about "double standard" or whatever the fuck preceded the nonsense.
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