Perhaps you should flag him for using a "stem-math/science/technology" tag. He might have gone too far with the whole "seriously, get cancer" stuff and wanting to know your home address. That stuff is not cool. But its also not cool to flag someone for using the "math" tag, which is a general tag and not a STEM tribe specific tag.
I'd love for this comment to be received in the spirit it is meant, I'm just saying that your tribe has no right to assume ownership over the tags "math", "science", "technology". "engineering" but if it was "stem-math" I'd understand the flag I suppose. Also, keeping it to a STEM token flag rather than an SP flag is also a fair way to do stuff.
No one owns the tags and the flag only used my own token voting power and has 0 effective steem power. So no rewards outside of my tribe token were removed. And it didn’t even have much rewards it is just don’t preventative.
A tribe focused on Stem with posts about anything and everything is a useless tribe.
Okay, that is perfectly fair. I completely agree you have every right to do that.