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RE: How You Can Help Steemit, Inc Make Money (And Why You Should)

in #newsteem5 years ago

Great circle jerk post. What makes you think STINC can manage the funds if they have them? They have proven themselves incompetent many times over.
How much do you think they pay the people working there? If they generate more revenue what makes you think they won't just pay themselves more? They probably pay these non technical people $200,000 / year or something egregious.

I have a better idea. Let STEEM continue the death spiral it is in.

At this point we really can't fork STINC out of the equation so we have to watch the implosion from a distance for financial safety.

Posted using Partiko Android


Steem-engine makes forking out stinc a real possibility, once they are ready to spin up their own consensus witnesses.
The rose colored stinc glasses are getting handed out to fewer and fewer newbs.
The old users have turned on stinc in increasing numbers.
I think steem will be fine once they shame/downvote the abusers from the pool.
That may take a couple years as they gave themselves enormous sums of stake in the ninjamine, but the trend has already begun.

Feel free to join the #newsteem whenever you wish :)

Brian is not a bad dude, but he's gotten salty over the years. If he really didn't care, he would have left long ago. :)