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RE: That de-escalated Sweetsss-ly

in #newsteem5 years ago

It's nice to see this.

It will be interesting to see going forward what's considered a circle jerk and what's considered supporting those that helped you. I've had a handful of people that have supported me while I've grown on Steem and they've supported me.

I'm not too worried about it, because I can see there are going to be clear cut circle jerks that are taken down with the new downvotes, but have a feeling that some will cause drama as it may not be as cut and dry.

Either way I think splitting up these large accounts from constantly voting for eachother will be, in the long term, better for all on Steem.


It will be interesting to see going forward what's considered a circle jerk and what's considered supporting those that helped you.

I think there is agoing to be a lot of blur and, it is going to depend on how narrow and how high it is. There is a difference in this one and, at least half of these accounts appear to be one person. For example:

these were all posted within 8 minutes of each other. What are the chances?

Yeah I wasn't saying I disagree as this one was clear cut and the votes are huge.

Another thing that will make a large difference is if you're upvoting your "circle" for a few Steem or tens or hundreds of Steem as well.