Investors don't even need to write, curation rewards are high enough to beat inflation so they don't even lose proportionally.
Yes, it is an issue too that always the same stuff by the same people gets voted. That could be tackled if we wouldn't be so busy with the self rewarders.
There isn’t many objectively good content around tbh, I guess that’s why investors aren’t happy when they see higher rewarded manually curated posts aren’t better than their shitposts, they feel unfair.
if I were a huge stakeholder, I won’t be happy to see certain “3 truths 1 lie” contest post trending, while anyone can write similar kind of shitposts lol.
Just an example. The current general quality on the site is just not persuading.
Have a look at the curangel compilations. Lots of great stuff in there. One just has to look for it, and we desperately need more people doing so to make it more visible for everyone.
I took a look at the curangel posts and appreciate your efforts. Posts they select is good, good in a way they put effort in writing them and they aren’t bad, but also few are that outstanding either.
Nobody should be entitled of any rewards in my opinion, we are all (most here at least) average content creators that have never made viral anywhere else in other social network. Then I don’t see how trending authors at the moment deserve to be there either, as te content isn’t top notch there either.
Can't disagree with that. Unfortunately, lots of great content creators have left again because they weren't appreciated. We either change that as a community, or fail together. Nobody needs a platform full of average or less.
sigh... hope things can turn around eventually but i can’t come up with a good solution at the moment.
Then again social media is full of average content anyway, i don’t like the trendings on instagram either, it’s the same that I don’t like pop culture, but there probably most people like those trendings i guess.
Compared to those, trending here isn’t serve either as an example of good piece of content or hot gossip/conttoversial topics/newest news, etc. All this said, I also can’t figure really how steem should be tho.
I’ll take a look. Lots of great stuff there but none made in trending is a problem, considering trending is now manually curated.
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I think trending is still mostly a result of autovotes, or "curators" who don't really dig and have list of names or so.
We made some progress, as that small accounts at least can hope for a few dollars with good content. We're far from having fixed trending, it's a long way there if we'll ever be able to reach it.