Yeah all hail the vigilantes that killed the bidbots for selling away all the votes for advertising oh so you think trending is good now lol :))))) and profit killed all the if i like your comment i can reward you, steem had value a purpose a reason to invest and make coins and proliferate the world with steem incentives. now it`s all gone thank your witness for that and their down-vote button who cares it;s there on the chain forever and self righteous condemnations of all those who oppose hmmm so which system is better more people more money more money equals more people. I really think #Justin knows this and should be ready relieve all the hard working vigilantes self profiteers as soon as possible in the near future basically cause ScareCrows are not good for business everybody knows that :)))))))
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opps what happened why are we here ?? oh okay i remember.. tell em front page should be /created not /trending for obvious reasons marketing included
no bananas here you guys oh a what to do hmmm ... yea moneytalk well everyone wanna to see the bagels when they come out of the oven thats the show after that they get cold i guess after that you might shocase the contest winners the most collusion ever seen hahaha :)) oo oo
i think i will just wait for the boom :))))

ohh yeah there it is!!!