Following is a quick read that newbies and experienced users can use to get upto speed on steemit
Use steemit chat
Due to the increased numbers of users on the steemit network, it might take a few weeks before your account is accepted. While you wait, be sure to use steam it chat. Reach out the professionals in the field and be thankful in return. You can sign up at and say hi!
Instant Gratification kills
In today’s Twitter age, the hardest part is to avoid the trap of instant gratification and look for quick bucks. Most people do not last the grind, and this makes way for the real hustlers. Do not expect to get 1000 dollars off your first article, instead educate somebody, as Seth Godin puts it ‘Attack the Dip’
Have a value mindset
Let’s face it; everybody can use some good knowledge and education. Be a value creator and when you create value, you capture some as well. Remember the holy grail of sales, Serve thy customer.
Work with the math
This whole system is numbers and dollar signs. Having some money intelligence will help you go a long way towards a stronger portfolio and create leaner content, which results in a loyal audience. If you are a right
Feedback Loop
Write. Proof. Send it to a friend and write again. Human beings are oblivious to their own mistakes. This is block chain folks and things here are immortal. There is a grammar natzi in everyone, use thy enemies.
Build your tribe
Know your audience. Understand who you are writing for and find their communities online. Try good trends or sites like Buzzsumo to find hotspots. Reddit is a great place to start as well. Remember one good follower is equal to 100 bad floaters!
Kill your darlings
We all are conditioned as we grow up, understand your own prejudices and kill your darlings. Find out what your tribe needs, polish your talents and brag about it! We are all looking for answers, be our sage.
Ask Questions
Why are you even in steemit? Is it just for the money or are you looking to educate the community? Whatever the reasons, ask questions. The 5 W’s are a great place to start and be honest with yourself. Your clarity will show in the content, Steemit’ers have strong B.S detectors.
Build a Road Map
Have a template to follow for your Steemit journey. Be an active member and have a plan when it goes south. Have an exit strategy and make an intelligent trade off with your time and LIFE.
Thank you for sharing this news
Thanks for the tips. I just started recently but am enjoying the wealth of information on this platform. I just signed up to the chat too so hopefully that helps me increase my following. Hope your day is going well.)