Big Pharma Is Evil

Big Pharma & The New World Order
A beginners course


This post is seeking to introduce people to this area I refer to as the “New World Order”. Many people are now aware of this movement but for those who aren’t aware I would hope to get them interested in this area because it effects them whether they realize it or not. I will be making ongoing post trying to inform people who may be new to the discussion about globalism and unwanted influence over our lives. The first area I want to cover is the medical area because it will at one time effect everyone in one way or another.

This discussion will have my theories I've concluded based on some facts and patterns, which are public knowledge. I will not seek to be sophisticated in this discussion in an effort to make it easy to digest for those new to the subject.

In my opinion the big Pharmaceutical companies make "medicines" that they know are going to harm people, which will lead to large class action suits but that doesn't dissuade them from putting them on the market. The business plan seems to be that the lawsuit is implemented into the business plan. They will possibly make $3 billion dollars from the sale of the poison and may be sued by the "government" and or private class action parties and have to payout maybe $350 million dollars. That's still a huge profit of more than $2 billion dollars. That's a successful product-to-market venture.


Many people have suffered greatly from vaccines, and fly-by-night "medicines" such as XARELTO, to name one but no one goes to jail. The FDA in all its bogus glory seems to approve "medicines" that, in far too many cases, injure or kill people. So why do we need the FDA? As Ron Paul says, we don't.

The power of the Pharmaceutical companies lobby in the United States is out of alignment with our Constitutional protections. The people who own and are on the boards of directors at these companies should give you an idea of why the elected officials in our government have put the interests of Big Pharma in front of our freedoms, protected by the US Constitution. How can a state legislature attempt to sign a bill forcing vaccines on our children, which we know not what is in that vile? BTW, I will call us in the US the People, not citizen.

(Blacks Law Dictionary has defined a citizen as a slave. The Declaration refers to us as "We The People")

Your child is YOUR child and no one can force you to allow injections of an unknown substance into your child's system. It is your first responsibility to your child to protect them. This is also why our rights to own firearms is protected by the US Constitution. It may sound harsh in a punkified world but we are suppose to be able to protect ourselves in whatever means necessary.


There are many instances when people have died from modern medicine and it has only gotten worse over the last 40 years. I'll digress a bit and bring up the wide-spread quackery of "doctors" lying to millions of Women having babies. I've noticed that doctors all over the country have been tricking mothers in labor to have C-Sections by pretending its better for the baby or they may be facing a crisis or something else. All of which is scary for most Women because they are in a vulnerable position that makes it difficult to think clearly about if the doctor is being a liar looking for more money or is their actually a possible labor crisis. Doctors make a lot more money performing a C-Section than they do simply delivering a baby in a traditional way. And far too many doctors have low integrity because they were promised they would be a millionaire by becoming a doctor. Who are you to stand in the way of them being a millionaire. The cost of a normal baby delivery is from $9,000 to $14,000. The cost of a C-Section can be from $14,000 to $25,000. Almost double. Who are we to trust if we can't trust the damn doctor?

The article below discusses the rise in C-Section rates but barely mentions the possibilities the hospitals urge doctors to perform this procedure due to the financial benefit to their income. Again, no honesty in journalism.

This article below is far more honest and informative than the previous.

Back to Big Pharma

References for your research

There is an awesome book called "Aids, Opium, Diamonds & Empire" by now retired pediatrician, Dr. Nancy T. Banks.
(I do not sell this book and have no monetary interests in the book and I do not know Dr. Banks.)

This book will open your eyes in many ways. It gives the history of how the medical field became polluted with Rothschild and Rockefeller scum bags who started changing the medical schools from Homeopathic medicine to Allopathic poison way back in the latter 1800s. The wealth controlled by these two groups makes it possible to fund evil ventures that benefit them and often harms the masses.

Another author who has done great research in this area is Eustace Mullins with his book “Murder By Injection”. Eustace was a protege’ of Ezra Pound an America great in literature.

Here’s is a video with Eustace doing an interview discussing his book “Murder By Injection”.

I would also like to bring your attention to a physician named Dr. Lorraine Day. I learned about Dr. Day in 2006. She is a retired surgeon at San Francisco general hospital who was known for operating on more Aids patience than any other physician in the world at the time. She is a expect on health, nutrition and spiritual wellness. She also knows the New World Order inside and out. Her website is below


I would also like to bring your attention to a website called Cancer Tutor which gives you alternative options when faced with cancer. It goes into great detail if you are so inclined to take a different direction in your preventative methods or recovery care.

Another few amazing doctors in the cancer field are Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski out of Houston, Texas whose methods are extremely effective. In the 1980s the Reagan administration attack Dr. Burzynski when learning of his methods of treating cancer that threatened a billions of dollars a year in the “treatment” and research of cancer. The video below is a documentary on Dr. Burzynski.

Another doctor successful in the alternative approach to cancer treatment is Dr. Leonard Coldwell from Germany. He cured his mother of cancer, who was given 6 months to live and now some 40 years she is still alive and healthy. He has given thousands the same results in that time.

Please find other books and interviews with these people to gain a larger understanding of what they do and the wealth of information they bring. Others I will discuss in the future are Benjamin Freedman, Carrol Quigly, Christopher Bollyn, Mark Glenn, Major Racey Jordan, Myron Fagan, Kaye Griggs, Mohammad Rafeeq, Michael Hoffman, David Livingston, Ryan Dawson, Brenden O'Connell and others.

Next post will continue to discuss a new area of the New World Order. I'll leave you with that amazing humanitarian, Bill Gates who wants to reduce the world's population by billions. Using vaccines among other methods. Below are a couple clips that can give you an introduction of who the real Bill Gates is.

Here is the full speech on population reduction by Bill Gates

Gate Foundation kicked out of India below

The New World Order doesn't need Strong Men to destroy life on earth, they have billionaires who hate humanity.

Mmm, Good Times (•U•)


He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

- Albert Einstein