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RE: 2018 Far Side Predilection Issue

in #newyear7 years ago (edited)

Had a shock on No. 1. I mean...Prince Andy? Wasted 5 seconds of me life googling up the guy marrying Maples to learn one useless fact for life = the name is Henry Charles Albert David. least all that time reading clickbait on Celeb Scandals has not been for naught. Other than that, it was fun reading this, and wish you a Very Happy New Year! (1 day later - Apologies to readers. I got confused over who is marrying who. That was Meghan Markle i was thinking of, and not Trump's previous squeeze . Eyesight issues possible too, which can be cured with the new USD 850k 'treatment' by spark therapeutics. Will rectify this gap with copious literature studies of the National Enquirer in the future before more comments! And a Happy New Year to Y'all!)


Thanks for stopping by, and Marla Maples was the second wife of Donald Trump. I forget Har/Andy's fiancee's name, other than it too involves alliteration with the letter M. Frankly, I can't be bothered to keep up with royal monikers. Let's just call him Second Son of Chuck. Glad you enjoyed and wishing you and yours a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. All the best!