1- Keep your eye on the ball

“I’ve watched and played countless hours of tennis and whether it is Wimbledon or the Australian Open or the local court, I’ve never once seen a player win a match by looking at the scoreboard. Champions keep their eye firmly focused on the ball and let the scoreboard take care of itself."
Catherine DeVrye, 2x Australian Keynote Speaker of the Year
As you try to lose weight, get fitter, become healthier, or change your lifestyle, it is sometimes hard to focus on the core activities that can get you there successfully. There is a difference between focussing on your core activities and just fulfilling them. Most get caught up in the running of the day-to-day life that it can get hard to give the personal touch to what you really should be doing to achieve your goals.
In a world full of temptation, how will you get ahead of the curve and reach your destination if you do not keep your eye on the ball and give your utmost to getting what you want?
Some of the most succesful people in the world are unfairly dubbed 'stubborn'. But they are not, they just know what they want to achieve and anything that distracts them from their goal is left out of their lives. This means that sometimes they go against the advice of loved ones, stop trying to please everyone, and keep their eyes firmly focused on what they set out to attain. That is all that matters to them.(html comment removed: more)
2- Focus on getting the ball over the net (every time)

A major part of what a tennis practitioner needs to master is getting the ball over the net. This is also the most basic skill in the game. Those who teach tennis believe that “it’s also one of the hardest feats to accomplish as a beginner”. [Source] One thing is for sure; even professionals struggle with this basic element of the game when fatigue kicks in.
Whether you have just started implementing change in your life or are 5 years in, there is always a chance you could fall back into old habits if you become complacent. By focusing on the basic elements of your new lifestyle and making sure that you fulfil all the rituals daily ( no matter how boring it may get), you are safeguarding yourself from falling back into old habits that you fought so hard against.
Routine, no matter how tedious, is what makes champions. Winners are made in training sessions, before the fight, before the big game. Ask any successful athlete, entertainer, or even entrepreneur. They will all tell you that it is all about putting in the hard work behind the scenes every single day.
I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.' -Muhammad Ali
3- Stay nimble and agile

Change can sometimes feel the same. Yesterday you ate everything you could find in the fridge, today you choose what you eat consciously. Today you are told this diet is the best for your body type, tomorrow you may hear that there is something even better out there. The same goes for exercise regimes. In order to make sense of it all and not get frustrated, you need to stay nimble and agile in your thinking - keep an open mind and always educate yourself on these matters.
Many of the successful entertainment professionals have had to reinvent themselves to stay relevant to the audience demands. They have also had to change their approach due to failure. Things are never straightforward in any walk of life.
4- There is a team angle to Tennis
Doubles may not be as glamorous as the singles, but I personally like watching them. In tennis doubles, not only are the players skills put to the test, but also their ability to work as a team to reach a common goal. There also needs to be a high level of trust between the players, cohesion, complementing each other’s strengths, and covering each other’s weaknesses.
Don't go at it alone, find someone who is making the same life changes and encourage each other, learn from each other, and cry together through the tough times. If you strive to continually become a better person, you will need good people to take the journey with you.
Just like you, people who have made it into the big times could not have done it without support. Anytime you watch an award ceremony, the winners always have someone to thank for supporting them over the years.
Was this post useful to you? Do you have other tips that you think should be on the list? Let us know in the comment below. I really love hearing from you.