Oddly enough... in canada the government website said that flu just so happened to disappear in march.
Yes, their own websites say the flu ended in march.
What a coincidence!
This science loving group seems to THRIVE on coincidences!
Oddly enough... in canada the government website said that flu just so happened to disappear in march.
Yes, their own websites say the flu ended in march.
What a coincidence!
This science loving group seems to THRIVE on coincidences!
Science is the new comedy!
true story
The Flu in reality did not disappear in March. In reality, COVID RNA interferes with testing for Influenza virus RNA. The two viruses also have an interesting interaction, where having the Flu makes COVID more deadly and vice versa.
which is why the army said people who have had the flu shot will be more susceptible to more severe disease. :(
I see what you are saying, since Flu vaccine uses a weakened version of the influenza virus. Since they actually have live virus, it can make them more likely to die of COVID.
The shots have dead one, the spray has live.
But i mean... how dead is the virus really in the needle. :P
Its not dead, that's my point. Vaccines like Flu vaccine contain weekend viruses, which still infect but are defective.