
People have been saying 'throw the bums out' since before I was born.
How's that been working out?

This is very true. However, I do not believe it has been this apparent that most of the people in Congress are truly self serving. This especially applies to the Republican side. The latest healthcare debacle/vote proves it without a doubt.

why 'especially'?
The Republicans are cowards and stupid.
The Dhimikrats are vile and evil.

I 100% concur. I only say "especially" because the Repukes are presently supposed to control congress.

If there is ONE thing that is evident from observing congress for the last six(ten, twenty, fifty, sixty)
The republicans are NOT comfortable being in control. They'd rather bitch and moan and heckle from the sideline and complain how they'd repeal Obama Care IF ONLY...they were in control
