U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults
---from the article---
- As reported by the National Review's Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud."
Murdock counted Judicial Watch's state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That's 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls "ghost voters." And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don't have that many people.
It's not just a Chicago thing. Dead people voting. It's been said that the Ghost Vote is what got JFK elected. (Cook County is particular). It came as a horrible shock to the Dhmikrats when the Ghost Vote wasn't sufficient to elect the Hildebeast last election.
- California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.
Los Angeles County, whose more than 10 million people make it the nation's most populous county, had 12% more registered voters than live ones, some 707,475 votes. That's a huge number of possible votes in an election.
But, Murdock notes, "California's San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138% registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters."
Comments are always welcome.
Thanks .
Follow me @everittdmickey
Why does this not affect the anti-trumpers? Are they that intellectually dishonest? I'd like to think they could hear reason once they realize they have been played.
"It's extremely easy to trick a human. It's incredibly hard to convince a human they are being tricked." You have to have massive humility to accept huge truth. I rarely meet people with that depth.
I've conversed, a length with anti-trumpers (I draw them like a moths to a flame...dunno why). In my estimation you are correct. The ARE intellectually dishonest...those who are not brain damaged by drugs. One I spoke with recently had taken LSD in the past.
Socialists are like that. Disconnected from reality.
Because the liberals are the ones that benefit from election fraud. Hence the reason that dead people are still voting democrat and it is the democrats that start screaming and accusing people of racism for suggesting we need voter ID.
I am surrounded by anti trumpers. All good friends and great people. The created situation is such that it appears that Trump is the most hated man on the planet. The MSM tactics failed to dissuade voters once. I think he will win even bigger or bigly next time around. People spreading hate fail to see beyond their hate.
The MSN are lying like they always do.
the see their mission in life is to tell us what to think.
they don't present the news..they see their mission as shaping public opinion.
If anyone believes that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections, I have some swamp land flourishing with politicians to sell you.
Here are just a few of the fraudster;
NY Times?
Not CNN? I'm shocked.!
I assumed that registered voters was lower than eligible voters because not everyone registers. But, if what you said is true, then there should have been red flags everywhere.
Or it could be that most registrars never take anyone off the roles. Because the dead don't actually send in a un-registration card.
actually there WERE a lot of 'red flags'
they were ignored or covered up by the dhmikrats.