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RE: Demolishing the link

in #newzleakz8 years ago

The oil guys. But then they also legitimize the green energy markets, which is a direct enemy of them. So that makes no sense. Why the hell you legitimize your enemy, which then leftist countries will eventually use. (Germany windplants, solar panels, electric bus system, etc.. And even the EU is starting to push for it on continental level)

They will lose a lot of market share, I guess that is why oil prices were plunging recenty.

However pollution is actually real, and of course it's dishonest to conflate pollution with climate change, which they do often. But lung cancer due to pollution is very real, and a lot of it is due to the oil and carbon.

So there is at least that truth in it. If climate change is false, then you dont need to invent a fantasy story to just emphasize on lung diseases. However it could be a disinfo to discredit those that point out that the air is getting toxic, which it is.

However if climate change is true, there there is a lot more at stake here than just a few companies.
