I am sending you one explorer ship as you wished. The problem is it will take the ship like 24 days to arrive. Hopefully you are a very patient person.
What is Deploy?
Deploy changes the home planet of a ship or a fleet. This might be one of your own planets or that of somebody else. It can be started from the fleet or galaxy menu. If the planet belongs to another user, the ships are changing the owner to the user who owns the target planet. Source: https://nextcolony.io/faq
That's what I know, but how to find this exact player in this vast galaxy? Does he have to tell me his coordinates? I suppose so, I am just getting sure.
I'll take Е1s as a gift :)
I am sending you one explorer ship as you wished. The problem is it will take the ship like 24 days to arrive. Hopefully you are a very patient person.
Thanks for your sending me one explorer I, I keep it in my memory :)
Good luck!!!
The E1 is dead, long live the E1!
Person below wants E1 as a gift. I want to send him one E1 ship, but I am actually not sure how to do that.
Can you help?
Mission: Deploy
That's what I know, but how to find this exact player in this vast galaxy? Does he have to tell me his coordinates? I suppose so, I am just getting sure.
https://nextcolony.io/planet/P-Z3F9AOMMHHS https://nextcolony.io/planet/P-ZE57ZPV98F4 https://nextcolony.io/planet/P-ZEBOZRHH4Y8 https://nextcolony.io/planet/P-ZIE1SE5TLGG https://nextcolony.io/planet/P-ZOJVR19IJLC
Thank you very much - the deploy mission will only take 24 days, haha!
Thats tooo far, yeah.
Wait for the new skill...
"Speed increase skill : +0.2 speed per level."