3 more days before our first Yamato season starts – it’s been a long journey and we are extremely grateful for all the support we have seen over the last months. It was not always been easy, but now we are almost there.
We have provided you with the most important details of the Yamato module already and players have started to actively build Yamatos ships already. To give you some details:
- Of the 100 blueprints, that were issued to the owners of the legendary planets, only 18 were activated so far. Players thus seem to value the opportunity of being able to trade these later in the game
- Today, 16 different users own a Yamato blueprint
- Right now, 184 Yamatos are in existence
As we have already outlined, the Reward Points, that can be earned, will be equivalent to the amount of stardust spent to upgrade the Yamatos. While only 100 Stardust are required to upgrade a Yamato to Tier-1, this increases to 200,000 Stardust for a Yamato level 20. It is thus clear, that a lot of Stardust will be sunk in upgrading Yamatos.
On one planet you can upgrade only 1 Yamato at a time – and one upgrade takes 24 hours. In a 30-day season, you will thus be able to perform only 30 upgrades on one planet. You will thus most likely want to spread your Yamato fleet on more than just one planet – even though this is more difficult to defend.
Client when selecting the option to show all ships in the shipyard.The full stats can already be seen in @jarunik’s
If you have any questions, join the official Discord server or use the comments below.
Stay tuned.
Really getting into this game! Thanks for the update. I've found a few planets so far but no Ultra Rares! Soon!
We are getting better and better.Thanks, @reseller, we appreciate that! (:
Bring it on.
We will. (:
This is the biggest event in the Next Colony Universe and we are all thrill how things will evolve. For sure will be a learning curve, but nevertheless any new beginnings give you the energy and hope for great things.
Keep it up, make it shine!
Thanks, @cryptorg! (:
Must be 20 hours for one upgrade.
The update time is dependent on the shipyard skill - 24 hours is the time with no skill - ok, admittedly you can then not build a Yamato
Going to be quite interesting to watch this new content in action.
What is going to be the best/preferred way do you think to track Yamato movement for those that don't have them? How will we know when there is one nearby within strike/support distance?
For us, too!
Track (for the time being):
And of course: https://nc-client.jarunik.com/season
Just checked
Funny to see people trying to upgrade something that is not there yet :)
I still need to read a lot about Yamato ... got the skills at 20 but still no idea how to get one except finding one of these almost not findable planets.
Yes, you already wrote a lot about it - that's why I need to read more :)
You're a good detective.
But this is also due to a frontend bug. Currently you think (in the main client) that you can upgrade because the button is not deactivated. So it's our fault.
Wowww Thanks for the Update 😄
Thanks. (:
Congratulations to everyone who built a Yamato! I personally wouldn't be able to do much with Corvettes. I'll have to skip this one. But I'll be back.... Stronger!
Sounds good. (:
What happens if yamato is gifted to another user? Does it lose all upgrades?
Posted using Partiko Android
It does not lose it upgrades - but it loses a share of the reward points associated with the ship.
All stardust spent on yamato will be burned?
yes, all will be burned
If in 30 days season ,20 days are solely required for upgrading to highest level?
Does it not make playing time less?
Will upgraded Yamoto will be destroyed after season end?
You will most likely not upgrade 1 to highest level. They will be downgraded to Tier 1 after the season.