A few days ago I unlocked the explorer and started exploring my neighbourhood.
I always started the mission from the missions panel. I accidently typed the wrong coordinates(I wanted to explore the coordinate right above my planet, but choose the already explored territory right below my planet).
When trying to explore an already explored tile I would expect some error message or the start mission button disabled or similar, but what you get is this:
That clearly isn't the best way of telling the player "You cannot explore that tile because it is already explored!"
and took me a few days I could have been exploring, as I found my error just a few minutes ago…@nextcolony : I found a bug(you could also call it 'missing feature').
I'm not sure about it as I can't test it, but the same bug might happen when attacking or sending resources to an empty or unexplored tile.
I'll try to reconstruct that on the test server today to identify the error. Thanks.