I agree with everything you said honestly, very fair points.
Titans OC Arthur Smith and the offense seem to be having some awkward chemistry, that is pretty certain. Couple of plays miss by an inch, some plays are poorly executed, occasional penalty blah blah blah. All just excuses at the end of the day. Sometimes it is just poor playcalling.
I appreciate the positivity man. I do hope Lewan can help provide something that resembles stability on the o-line, as well as Pamphile whenever he might return. Yes the receiving core as a whole has some nice pieces and potential, just gotta execute and prove what looks nice on paper.
Thanks for the good luck against the Falcons, they'll probably need it. Not totally unwinnable for the Titans but they need to drastically improve. Long week hopefully thats a positive.
Really appreciate the comment!
You're right Arthur Smith is your guy... I totally had Defilippo in my head because he's the OC for the Jags... my bad. Either way, the Titans ended up with something like 40 passing attempts and 20 runs. Two-thirds of the offense attack was passing. It's tough when the opposing defense stacks the box against Henry, but I think you guys need to be more balanced especially when the O-line is giving up so many sacks on your guy Mariota. I hope the Titans get things turned around, there's still plenty of time to do it man!
No biggie lol. Yes it does stink we couldn't be more balanced. I definitely appreciate it, 13 more games to play.
I will keep an eye out for your Vikings this Sunday!