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RE: Protests changed my mind about buying NFL Replay

in #nfl7 years ago

I believe everyone has the right to express their opinion.
The players have the right to make their protests, they don't have the right to whine like a bunch of babies when they end up unemployed.

If the NFL didn't take a dime of tax payer money for stadiums, then there would be less issue. If the NFL wasn't a tax exempt organization, there would be less issue. If the NFL didn't incorporate military and service organization in their pre-game and half-time shows, there wouldn't be an issue.

ESPN is already hurting do their politics an now the NFL is going to suffer more. I don't like what Trump said, but I think he did it to punish the NFL. I don't think the NFL is going to like the results.


Thanks for that. I didn't realize that NFL was a tax exempt organization and forgot that they took tax payor money for stadiums. That does change my opinion a little about what they should and shouldn't be allowed to do. If military service members tried to do that they would be dishonorably discharged.

Great article @dlee878, I'm with you on this. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. It's not even a case of NFL players having some form of "moral high-ground." That simply can't be done by them.

It's just plain disrespect.

We usually watch the games here too, but not this year, especially after seeing the article I'm posting below.

The Ravens and Jaguars took a knee in London during the national anthem but stood to their feet for "God save the Queen.

This is just so terribly disrespectful and makes them look shameful even in the eyes of other nations.

Link to Article

Thanks for commenting. I'll take a look at the article this afternoon. Someone else was telling me about the game in London as well. How can you disrespect your countries national anthem and then honor another counties anthem? I think Homeland Security needs to keep a close eye on anyone that does that!

NFL teams get $billions each year from tax payer subsidies...