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RE: Good-bye NFL

in #nfl7 years ago

Amen! I grew up in western PA and the Steelers were gods, while never a football nut myself. Watching clips of Ex-Steelers fans burning their jerseys was shocking. No safe space now. Soros is lurking!!!


Lol My husband is/was a die-hard fan forever! Wouldn't miss a game. Tailgater the whole 9 yards (pun intended..;). He turned the game off immediately. It's breaking his heart that his beloved Steelers did this but...America is more important ya know? We can't accept this degradation to continue unopposed. We've got a whole generation of kids learning this direspect from their heros & parents. Who's going to teach love of Country if you bail on it with every issue you dislike. There's plenty I dislike about things in our Nation. But I don't freegin dilute my appreciation & gratitude I have in being born in the freeset Nation on Earth! What are these idiots thinking?...ugh