
I know right? These owners are sooo stupid! Do they not realize that PA went red for the first time in how many years and they're allowing the players to diss Trump? Of course it's going to offend his supporters. But not only that..the hypocracy! How many times have teams wanted to show support fot this or that personal cause yet were told no. The Cowboys can't show their support for cops but Kapernick is allowed to show his 'un'-support for cops wearing pig socks? That alone is just offensive, not protesting It's basically calling all cops pigs! Omg I think it's the double standard that has most people upset. It should be either no agendas on the field or all agendas allowed on the field. When they allow only Left-wing causes and not any others it ticks people off....duh

I'm the first person who would say that police officers should be held accountable when they screw up.

Once again, the Canadian media has been spinning Kaepernick up as a hero. The pig socks were ridiculous. My wife's brother and sister in law are RCMP police officers. Do you think I would ever support someone like Kaepernick after he shows the maturity of a 15 year old by doing something like that?

Omg seriously. Did you see that beating the cops gave a 'white' guy the other day here near ppg? I posted it somewhere. If I can find it. But they blasted his head into the cement sidewalk over & over again and then punched the crap out of him. And he was trying to be a supportive citizen to help them because they were having trouble arresting someone. It was horrendous!

But yeah, there is police brutality for sure. I just don't believe it has to do with 'systemic' racism. These guys must have been so pumped up from fighting the guy they were trying to arrest that when the 2nd guy came along they went ape shit on was bad

Nah, never heard of it.

Omg I can't even watch it. Scroll down to the 2nd video. It's dark but you can see enough.

You only see a few seconds worth, but it definitely looks unnecessary. Slamming a guy's head into the ground could be fatal.

Just posted a new blog I think you'll like. Please check it out when you have time!

Ok I will. Yeah I cant even watch it. I think the cops had too much adrenaline from trying to control an uncontrollable suspect they were trying to arrest and just freegin lost it ya know?