
I see a lot of people on here who don't know how liberal sex is in Sverige compared to elsewhere - I know because I've had a Swedish girlfriend ;)
BTW random fact: Did you know that 400 years ago the Swedish army had more Scottish generals than Swedish ones! What a great alliance that was ... we had the same with France too ... 'The Auld Alliance' :)

I agree, it is quite a liberal society, or at least was because also here the 'political correctness' is ruining all true values.
By the way, just tell me from which country you didn't have a girlfriend, that will be shorter I think :))
Interesting fact about the Scottish generals, I think I would have liked those Scottish generals if I had been around at that time :)

Agreed on the PC brigade - Swedish society is slowly losing its way a little, especially with the immigration thing. Things are slipping. Beautiful ways are fading. It always makes me think of the ABBA song 'Our Last Summer'; To answer your Q, take your answer and x10 it ... I'm not THAT bad you know!! ;)
As for the generals, yes! There is more Scottish blood in Sweden than you think there is ;)

P.P.S. A Swedish lesson for all Steemians:
Seriousness and pleasure should thrive together.
Allvar och gamman trives gärna samman.