BYOPills - Update!

in #nft3 years ago

BYOPills Update

Get yourself ready for the BYOVerse! I'll see you there. Better bring some $TRYP!


Coming in hot with my pyschonaut!

Several posts ago (Back with BYOPills), I discussed how the BYOKey would allow holders to mint an Apostle. A character for the BYOVerse! Then in the following post (Massive BYOPills Announcement), I talked about the $TRYP token and also said "I really like those pyschonauts."

I'm looking forward to the BYOVerse and I'm extremely excited to see what kind of Apostle my BYOKey gives me! I really like those pyschonauts.

Well, I got lucky! I minted a pyschonaut! Just what I was hoping for. Funny how that happens.


What a badass pyscho! I'm excited to see the full 3d model, which will be coming soon.

Prepare for blast off

With an Apostle and a pill, you can experience the BYOVerse. This new metaverse is being brought to life by a very talented team that has undoubtedly shown its community how passionate they are. Following this has been a real treat. The constant flow of high definition renderings and teasers provide more than enough evidence of how legit it is. To back it all up, the community is amazing! I know, a lot of people say their NFT community is amazing, but I really mean it. Too be honest, I never really doubt anyone when they advertise that because the vast majority of people in this space are awesome. I'm estatic to be apart of this journey with BYOPills. Check out the newest trailer!

Okay seriously. Look at the detail... absolutely stunning. This is the best quality of any project I've seen so far. No joke. Look at this -

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Everything looks so damn crisp. The artists clearly know what what they are doing.

BYOCraft and BYOVape

We've been informed of new items (nfts) that holders will be eligible to get! The BYOCrafts and BYOVapes! From my understanding, the BYOVape will be a free mint + gas, then the BYOCraft will be an air drop. It looks like Tuesday, December 7th, we will get to claim our BYOVapes!

Both are to be used in the BYOVerse and are critical components of the game. You will use the BYOVape to verify your pills and the BYOCraft for traveling. This is all very well thought out.

Take a look at these previews -

The quality... oh the quality. The crafts are perfect.
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~~~ embed:1461812668331921409 twitter metadata:QllPUGlsbHN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQllPUGlsbHMvc3RhdHVzLzE0NjE4MTI2NjgzMzE5MjE0MDl8 ~~~

Just a bit earlier today, some new BYOCraft previews were shared! Here's a pretty detailed exploded view of one.


The attention to detail these artists have blows my mind. Absolute professionals.

It would be pretty cool if we could change out parts or something! Upgrade your craft maybe?
Everything looks fantastic.


Do you see what I mean? This is all coming from a 10,000 NFT collection. Who in the hell would have ever foreseen all of this? That's one of the things that I love about these NFT projects. The surprises can be unreal. This game is looking and feeling pretty damn promising. I am eager to play! I encourage you to check out the website. It has just been updated and looks amazing. Between the vapes, crafts, 3d models, and the beautiful metaverse, you'll have your hype meter on full! Oh and don't forget $TRYP!



Making friends with The Red Village

So this is neat. I love it when projects support each other. The Red Village looks pretty damn cool imo. If you end up playing, let me know what you think! The art and graphics look amazing here also. High quality work.

Check out the official website:

Meet the team and start following!


Drop P_ether, George The Sous Cook, Dr. Ether Jay, and Jetheca a follow on Twitter! These are the talented minds behind the BYOPills creation. They deserve every bit of praise for the hard work!

Official links:
Website -
Twitter -
BYOPills OpenSea Collection -
Apostles: Genesis OpenSea Collection -
BYOPills Discord -

Get in the loop through discord and twitter. Everything about all of this is shared through both of these platforms! Well, that's all for now friends. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I really hope you enjoyed it. Please follow on twitter and on peakd! Have a great night and remember,




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