The NFT journey continues

in #nft3 years ago (edited)

Hey there my NFT enthusiasts!

Hello friends! It's been a little while since I posted so I have a ton of stuff to share! Get ready. BYOPills has been none stop delivering, Rebel Bots launched their $RBLS coin with land sales right around the corner, and I join two new communities I desperately want to talk about - Lostboy NFT and Future of Color!


BYOPills - Crafts, more in-game footage, and details!

If you've been following me, you'll know BYOPills has been one of my hot topics since I started. A shit load of stuff has happened since the initial mint, causing holder's wallets to surge in value. If you had a pill from the start you would have been eligible for a private land sale and 4 free mints, all with insanely low gas prices. Every mint experience has been practically flawless. What more could ask for from a project?? How about some racing??!


The wait is over and the mint window for crafts has come and gone! Check out the debrief video from the official BYOPills twitter -

The hype is real. Every step of the way this project has been exciting. They are really taking care of holders. I don't know how you could do it any better. The crafts are gorgeous and creative. I was lucky to get my Spyder! Check it out, #152 -


I know for fact all of my Pillagers are excited as fuck for the in-game racing. You'll be able to level up your crafts with experience as well as earn $TRYP! Not to mention, you'll be able to loan our your unused assets for extra income! That's what I'm talking about! LFG!

More visuals for your eye candy

~~~ embed:1508874243731243010 twitter metadata:QllPUGlsbHN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQllPUGlsbHMvc3RhdHVzLzE1MDg4NzQyNDM3MzEyNDMwMTB8 ~~~

I love all of these crafts. They are going to be vital machines for us in the BYOVerse.

Alpha - In game footage

I can't get enough of these alphas. I bet you can't either. We've seen several in game videos already, but a few new ones have been released that I would like to share in order to help blow your mind. Check out this latest video of the sunrise - dropped by the one and only, Cryptoboomer. Stunning visuals.

Are you ready to fight for resources? Ya best be, because you just never know what's going to happen in the BYOVerse...

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Things don't look so good for Orange. Lol.

Here are a few alphas of in-game structures! Shared in discord. Thanks to Zulu for bringing it to my attention!

Talk about magnificent. I'm convinced these structures will probably in NFT form too. I wonder...
I will do my best to share more sneak peaks as they come out!

New details

Check out the most recent announcements in the official BYOPills Discord. There's a shitload to look forward to!


Here's a download link to the .pdf they attached to the announcement! It's a detailed document with all of the zone stats - BYOVerse_BIOMES.pdf

I'll be chilling in the Nebula zone with my BYOLand #152!


No clue what all of the stats are going to mean exactly, but I'm feeling pretty lucky to be in this zone.

There's more! I fucking love it.


We're on a TRYP of a lifetime. Watching this entire thing progress, practically from day 1, has been such a treat. All of these announcements are going to be blips of history one day. Only a select bunch will remember these moments when hundreds of thousands are active in the BYOVerse years from now. Anyway, before I go off on a tangent about how much I love this adventure 😅 -

BYOVapes have been temporarily "Discharged"! I'm curious to see how this is gonna work!

Here's a new video drop giving some more insight on $TRYP - the currency that will be used for all things BYOVerse. My future retirement fund? Lol.

These developers love to tease us. It's great, really. That being said, I wanted to share this Matrix style looking video. If I've learned one thing, when the team posts something it's never for NO reason. There is going to be something related to the Matrix in some way shape or form, I can feel it.

If its not directly related to it, perhaps its related to the Unreal engine? There's a new Matrix game coming out on the Unreal 5 engine which is what the BYOVerse will run on. Let's wait and see :D

Wen game? People ask

I don't know but I'm not even worried about it. In terms of developing a legitimate game, this stuff takes years! If we are playing this time next year I will be blown away, however, I accept it will come when it's ready, which could be longer. I know the BYOPills crew is not going to let us down (no pressure, lol) and many of us are here for the long haul. There is something truly unique and special about this creation and about the way they do things. I'm here to stay.

My BYOPill #152 is my Bored Ape. One day they may be comparable in value, I do believe that. Regardless of what people say my pill is worth or will be worth, it is priceless to me and always will be. It's an honor to be on this journey with my fellow Pillagers.

I hope you enjoyed the catch up on BYOPills! Let's take a minute and dive into Rebel Bots!

Rebel Bots - $RBLS token, game previews, and land sales!

Time to jump right into Rebel Bots. This sleeper 10k PFP has become much much more than a 10k PFP project. Who would have known it was going to become a full blown game? I didn't, lol. Within the last 6 months this beast has been forming, now with backers like Ubisoft and Overwolf, it's got all the necessary elements to rocket. The $RBLS token has launched and has healthily grown in value, several new in-game screens have been released, and the highly anticipated land sales are near!

$RBLS token

Unfortunately, I was unable to participate in the initial coin offering due to my location. I didn't want to mess with it or try to VPN around it... I just waited and ended up getting some on Sushi Swap. I don't know if that was okay but nothing stopped me and I didn't need a VPN. Anyway, whatever. Now we've been informed that $RBLS will be launching on a major US exchange within the next two weeks! The coin started off at $0.10 for holders, it released on a few closed exchanged, then a few days after going live on Sushi Swap (and after I bought in at $0.31 and $0.60!) it jumped to a whopping $2.90. Didn't stay there long lol, but it was quite impressive. Right now the coin is staying steady around $1.30 - $1.50. I'm excited to see what it will do when it releases on this US exchange! I don't plan on cashing any of it out. I'm holding for the long term and hope to see this coin reach Axie Infinity numbers.

One thing I love about the Rebel Bots team is that they ALWAYS ask the community to vote on icons and images for the in game stuff. It's such a great way to keep the community involved.

~~~ embed:1507394768321589251?s=20&t=N_DffkZmmpGQKoGs_yl7PA twitter metadata:UkVCRUxfQk9UU3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9SRUJFTF9CT1RTL3N0YXR1cy8xNTA3Mzk0NzY4MzIxNTg5MjUxfA== ~~~

In-game previews!

The last few months have been interesting as hell. This project hasn't slept. They keep putting out material and they keep us all very happy, lol! Well check out some of these awesome in game screens!

The slick loading screen

A player's base!

Main screen where you can see fellow members rank, activity and the kingdom's rank, chosen kingdom card and Xoil treasury


You have to give it to them... the artwork is fantastic! I love the style. The game UI looks smooth, not too flashy, but not too dull.

Kingdom land sales


Well I was hoping to give you a date but I can't, lol. We know its supposed to happen this month.
Just check out this note from The General -


That's fucking legit. Look at that... They are taking care of us holders, that's for damn sure! I'm so excited for this! With 5 bots safely secured and not going anywhere, I'll be raking in some dough from these land sales!

You can find out a shit load more in the official Rebel Bots Discord, which I highly recommend checking out! The future looks very bright with this one. Keep and eye on it! Ok, moving on. Let's go get lost!

Lostboy NFT


Once again, I'm speechless... this journey keep surprising me and delivering wonderful treats for my soul. Lostboy NFT is entirely unique. They have a focus on music and mental health, which really pulled me in. The NFTs are fun, silly, rude, and real. There's something about all of them that I can relate to. Check out my Lostboys - many thanks to Wiz for helping me find this super rare alien mamba and introducing me the kindness of the community.
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~~~ embed:1496840910994354183?s=20&t=KdVJHVXNb7Hazw2SHrd8Lg twitter metadata:SmVkbmZ0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0plZG5mdC9zdGF0dXMvMTQ5Njg0MDkxMDk5NDM1NDE4M3w= ~~~

I love the fact that there are always people ready to talk and provide insight. I find comfort in the fact that you can go in there and let all of your feelings out and not feel judged or alone. This aspect creates a very tight community with open arms. Lifting each other up is a core part of the community and the message. On the other end of the spectrum, we have music. The Lostboy NFT founder, Offrami, is a very successful artist with almost 600,000 subscribers on Spotify!


Lostboy NFT is bringing music, mental health, and NFTs together to help pave the way in the wild web 3. Musicians can submit their tracks and create a deal! I'm not sure how that works personally, but I would love to find out. Holders will be able to stake their Lostboys (and Lostgirls - yes there are those too!) in order to accrue $LOST. Once you've collected enough, you'll be able to buy "cassettes" and "vinyls". These NFTs are high quality 3D models with legit music on them! The cassettes have one full song while the vinyls have several full songs. Owners of these will have rights to royalties and will be able to unload them on multiple music platforms with the help of Lostboys! Here's part of the official announcement -


It's a very cool concept that I am interested in exploring. Well, check out some of these cassettes and vinyls! Get ready to be mind blown.

~~~ embed:1503090576891293700 twitter metadata:bG9zdGJveU5GVHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9sb3N0Ym95TkZUL3N0YXR1cy8xNTAzMDkwNTc2ODkxMjkzNzAwfA== ~~~

This is just the tip of the iceberg. You really need to hop in the official Lostboy NFT Discord and check out all there is to see.

A BYOPill connection

My friends. Do not let this go unknown - it has been brought to my attention that someone in BYOPills knows someone in Lostboy NFT, IRL. If that is true, then that makes me want in even more, LOL! But honestly, regardless of people knowing each other, the fact is - BYOPills is entrusting Lostboy NFT with audio for their BYOVerse! This is huge. Sound is a massive part of any game. It's not something to be taken lightly. Check out this clip, turn on your audio!

No doubt the Lostboys are gonna do an amazing job. Oh yea, they already are! Look at these gifts -

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Omfg this is amazing. Yep, that is right... Lostboy NFT is making BYOCassettes for BYOLand owners! Holy cow, this keeps getting better and better. Do you see what I mean? This ride is fucking wild!!! So land holders are now going to receive another valuable NFT just because!

One more mind blow -
Found out we may see our 3d model Lostboys in the BYOVerse. Also found out Lostboys AND BYO Apostle 3d models will be useable in a new eth FPS shooter called NFT 2040!



These collaborations are exciting and impressive. You can bet I'll be using these 3d models however possible! With all of that to look forward to from Lostboy NFT, who could pass it up?? Along with the high quality 3D models, you get super chill music, a calm and welcoming vibe, and a legitimate music artist as a founder. My LBs aren't going anywhere.

Ok, let's move on to my final subject, Future of Color. This is something very special to me.

Future of Color

One day I stumbled across a random giveaway for a Lostgirl NFT. The project hosting it, Future of Color, was a new name to me. I ended up in the Discord after entering the giveaway. Well, I took a few moments to see what this project was all about. There weren't many members at the time, maybe 42, but after going through a few previews and asking some questions, I knew I wasn't going anywhere. The artwork is unique and beautiful, the artist Jiri Lizler is a professional and puts himself out there, and there are plans for a metaverse gallery along with a passport NFT for perks! On top of that, it is being released on the new platform. That is huge in my opinion. I believe it is going to become prominent place for NFTs!


This project will consist of several "Voyages" that incorporate technology, art, and intense color. Voyage 1 is called "Planets" and will surely leave your mind "blown".


Check out this masterpiece -


This first voyage will be 200 unique 1/1 planets. Like what you see above? You'll love these then too -


Need moar?


Here you go!


So are you ready to really get your mind "blown"?

Would you believe me if I told you these planets are actually bubbles?!

Wait, what? Bubbles?

Yes, bubbles.

Jiri Lizler has successfully BLOWN MY FUCKING MIND. I had no clue what I was looking at until I got to the behind the scenes channel in Discord.


Some high quality up close photos of bubbles under all kinds of various circumstances, paired with some cosmic digital art... I can't express how fucking cool this is. How could someone make me care about bubbles so much?! It's such a unique idea. Jiri will never be able to create the same exact pattern twice.

I made this meme to get across how it makes me feel, lmao.


I want my beautiful bubble planet displayed in the home, just like this -

The Artist - Jiri Lizler

Jiri Lizler is legit. This guy knows what he wants and is going for it. Anyone that looks at him in action can see. I love these sections on the official website -



The website speaks for itself. Give it a good look and make sure to go through Jiri's portfolio! The photos this dude takes are breathtaking. He's definitely in the right field and now with all of his experience, he's finally able to do something for himself and his community! It feels wonderful being here for it.

See Jiri work!

Do me a favor friends, drop by the official Jiri Lizler Twitter page and give it a follow! Any exposure is greatly appreciated! You can find all sorts of previews there too.

The Engineer - Brian Pistar

Along with Jiri, comes Brian Pistar, the man behind the wheel of social media, marketing, and everything to do with the online. The extent of his role is immense. Jiri pulled him on after being introduced by a friend. Brian stays up later than everyone in his area just so he can be present for people in other time zones that are waking up. He's constantly working to improve everything and is a key component in the success of the project. From giveaways, competitions of all kinds, AMA slots, and networking - he's doing it all. He is also studying programming! This dude is 110% committed and it shows.

Check out Brian Pestar's Twitter and drop him a follow too please friends! Thank you!

Voyager Passport

I mentioned a passport earlier. To be specific, its a Voyager Passport. A very special pass that gives you exclusive access and perks! Merchandise is on that list as well, but utility is still being expanded upon. It is something I know for a fact this team is taking seriously. IRL events? I'm speculating on what's been discussed but we will have to wait and see!
You'll appreciate this beautifully rendered 3D model -

Hop in the official Future of Color Discord to learn more!

Neurals AI Collab

This is wild. There's this project called Neurals AI where you enter a short phrase like "twisting color exploding star" into a program, then the program draws a picture. The same picture never drawn twice, even if you use the same words.

Talk about an awesome collaboration opportunity. Well, the community was asked to submit 10 phrases. Those phrases were then turned into fantastic works of art. Once we received the images, Jiri went to work adding in the planets. The results are out of this world -



Woah. Yea, that's what I said, lol! Definitely want one of these.

Now this one is very special... Rickie, lol. His one word image - "BEER"


Things got even more interesting when it was decided to have a Smash Karts competition for two of these collab pieces! THIS WAS AN AMAZING IDEA. SMASH KARTS = SUPER FUN TIME FOR THE COMMUNITY

~~~ embed:1511441618523594762 twitter metadata:TmV1cmFsc0FJfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL05ldXJhbHNBSS9zdGF0dXMvMTUxMTQ0MTYxODUyMzU5NDc2Mnw= ~~~

I came in second on the last round! Better luck next time haha. Congrats to the winners! It was a ton of fun and you can bet the FoC community will have more Smash Kart events!!!

Hop in the official Neurals AI Discord to learn more!

The start of my new voyage

Within a few days of being involved with Future of Color, I was inducted into the "Elders of the Voyage". Lucky me! All I did was join and be myself. This is a role given to outstanding members! Next thing you know, Brian is offering me a Moderator position! The only requirement was just to be myself! Wow, I've never been told that for any kind of job. You know I had to accept. In my mind I'm already committed to the project so it was a no brainer! It didn't take long before becoming comfortable with Jiri, Brian, and this hilarious fella Rickie. There are several other cool people that I need to get to know better. Whiskey Eyes (the Collab Manager), Raynose (Elders of the Voyage), and Pathy (Moderator) are just a few! Shoutout to Fyakin, Whitley, and Vadarax too! The brotherly vibe is real! The community is at 468 members now (at time of writing) and the list of awesome people keeps growing.

The voyage has just begun. I highly recommend everyone to come check it out. The future of Future of Color looks bright. Let's fucking go! 🥚

Guest appearance AMA

Today, April 5, Jiri and Brian appeared as guests on an AMA for Wonder Woofs! This was huge for the FoC project. Take a moment to give it a listen. both are great at getting their points across.

You have to love the transparency. That is one of the things that instantly pulled me in... the fact that the artist puts his name, face, and voice out there. Doxxed. I love it.
Huge thanks for Wonder Woofs for bringing him on!
Here's a link to their discord if your interested -

Future of Color Links

Discord -
Website -
Twitter -
Medium -

Remember that Lostgirl giveaway I mentioned at the start of this section?

Turns out I won! Double whammy. I win a free NFT and find this amazing project!


That was a doozie. This one took me a bit to get together but I tell ya, it is always worth it! BYOPills, Rebel Bots, Lostboys, and Future of Color are my main focuses. I'm confident if I continue to go with the flow, I will find success. It's taken some time to get where I am right now, but damn is it wonderful. I just go with my gut. So far so good.

These projects are legit and I'm feeling extremely fortunate to be involved in all of them. I enjoy delivering this information in this format as it acts as an outlet for me to discuss my passion as well as show other people cool stuff! I hope everyone enjoyed and I hope you're as hyped as I am!! Please take the time to check out these discords and twitter pages. Even if just one person dropped one of these projects a follow, its a win for me and was worth writing this entire article for. Much love to you friends, keep it real and remember -


P.S. Keep an eye out on my twitter for giveaways - I'm over due for one so keep an eye out!!!


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