If you take @cryptobrewmaster seriously (to profit), maybe you've realized: Produce enough during various weekly events to win rewards.
As players know, your reward is based on your position at the end of each event. Your placing is relative to what others produce compared to you.
There's a cost to producing, and that cost for the #1 spot might be more than the reward! You would, in that case, be grinding for a loss. However, that doesn't mean finishing in 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th would realize an operating loss - you might be able to profit from those results!
Easier said than done. At least for you, the 'casual player'. That is because, the progress of everyone else is not readily displayed, as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong). You simply do not know where you stand in relation to everyone else. Maybe you've spent way too much rushing your production unnecessarily, and will finish with an operational loss!
My point is, you have no clear way to know. It's purely a guessing game. Well not exactly. I assume, if you were a blockchain expert and had a program to scrape and display the data, you would know exactly where everyone standing in real-time.
Herein lies the problem. The 'team' is competing against us. Again, I am not sure, but I believe user @rollie1212 is involved with the blockchain aspects of this game.
To that, the very admin of the game, is on a 'team', with others working together to make all the profits. It only makes sense they are trying for profit. Very sad that the developers of this game have created their own 'niche' dictatorship of 'friends'. I don't even think developers and their 'team' should be playing their own games to profit. Maybe they don't make enough $ from selling all the new items to us, but, I digress...
Without the aformentioned information regarding to the current production of competing players, the casual player is at a disadvantage!
So I ask, why doesn't crypto brewmaster display the current production for ALL players, in real-time? I know it is simple. It only makes sense. In my opinion, it is absolutely necessary for this type of game. Of course, I expect them to fully disagree, and enjoy their 'expert' insight into the current standings. That is so they can produce and win only when it is profitable, while the typical player is in the dark.
Do you like playing games with a disadvantage?
Why NOT display the real-time data? It's critically important to REGULAR players. I guess, perhaps you enjoy your developer and blockchain expert ability to take advantage of everyone else? Please respond, if you can understand.