Lying in my bed, using my phone, I just minted 25 NFTs (for free) on EOS using AtomicHub and listed them on the market there:
You can buy this NFT starting at only 4 EOS. Only 25 originals exist.
I created the above meme a while back to pay homage to Frank Herbert’s Dune series which relies so heavily on the spice. “He who controls the spice, controls the universe.”
The same is true for memes. Elon Musk, currently the richest human on the planet (on paper), understands this well and is a meme lord master. This is a power that all of us can have, even if we’re just lying in our beds, playing on our phones.
To create your own NFTs on EOS, make sure you have an EOS account with plenty of resources and RAM. Import your private key into Anchor Wallet Mobile by Greymass (currently only on iOS). Go here and watch the video and read the medium post that explains the process:
You just have to:
- Create a collection.
- Create a schema for the NFT you want.
- Create template for your NFT.
- Mint NFTs from your template.
- List them in the market place.
That’s it. You’re now part of NFT history. :)
I'm so confused by this, and legit wonder...Do people actually pay 10 EOS for stuff like this? Why?
It's a collectible scarcity thing. Think Magic The Gathering cards or POGs or Pokemon cards. They have stuff like that on those markets, and each item has so many iterations that are trackable, so might be wise not to compare these to plain ol' digital files like JPGs or something that you can copy ad infinitum. In other words, if only 50 of a particular NFT exist (whatever it is), and if one person got a bunch of them, he can burn some of them to make that particular item even more rare, and thus possibly more desirable making the price go up. I don't know much more about them than that, but I intend to change that.