How to create nft images | NFT Pictures

in #nft3 years ago

Hi guys and welcome to a new blog on my accout! Today I want to give you more on the topic of how you can create nft tips and of course bring the whole thing closer to you.

But first we clarify the question, how you can create NFT's yourself.

You can create NFT's very easily. You can make them yourself, there are a few examples, like pixel art nft's or normal images or animations/videos. You can publish them on OpenSea or other nft marketplaces and choose a price yourself.


You can create your own pixel nft's using online pixel art editors, like piskel or others. Here you also have many settings that make it easier for you to create. You can also create animations there.


Is this not for you?

If this is not for you, you can also publish your NFT's as a 3D model. You can create them with Bledner. This is a free program with which you can create them.


But you can also easily have nft's created for you. You can hire so-called nft creators, who create nft's for you and which you can then of course upload yourself. You can find such people on freelancing sites.

So if you are interested then click here to learn more:

That was it also afterwards with this small post. I hope I could give you ideas how you can create NFT's yourself. Thanks for reading and see you next time...