SKIPPY The Aussie Meme Token

in #nft3 years ago

skippy (4).png

Good afternoon everyone I am Skippy the Aussie Meme token and I am currently being built and I hope to soon be hopping into action bringing everyone joy and excitement!

It get's a bit lonely down under, big oceans and even though I am a great swimmer unfortunately I'm not able to make it far off the main land. But that is ok as it just means I need to come up with alternative ways to come and see you!

You might notice my pixel design and that is because I am also an NFT in the Australian collectables and I am one of two. You can find my other version here there are also a few others on offer and I am not really sure what they will be used for in the future but I know they would be a wonderful addition to anyone's collection.

So why is someone in Australia developing a Meme coin? well, why not? who doesn't want to add a wonderful roo to their collection and for a good cause too which will be revealed soon enough with a white paper being developed through community consultation. So if you have any ideas on what you would like to see SKIPPY used for I'd be happy to hear your thoughts.

But in the meantime don't forget to hop on over and follow this blog as I update you all on the progress we're making and once we get the all clear and a plan developed we'll be leaping far and wide together!