Report #18 on usage of NFT For Peace funds

in #nftforpeace7 months ago


NFT For Peace turns 2 years in a week. No one could imagine back then that the war could last so long. But I write this report, and it means that there are people of kind hearts on Hive who never give up or get tired of helping victims of war in Ukraine. Thank you so much on behalf of all volunteers!


Since the last transfer, we raised 210.177 Hive. They were converted to 65.841 USDT and then to UAH and it ammonted 2619.397 UAH after withdraw from the exchange.




Odesa, a beautiful city on the shores of the Black Sea... 💔

My heart aches for its people. Odesa now became a front-line city. There was a day of mourning in Odesa just recently. On March 2, a ballistic missile hit a residential high-rise. The missile strike killed 12 people, including 5 children.

And today, on March 16th, is a day of mourning in Odessa again. Yesterday, Russia struck the city with ballistic missiles, using the so-called re-strike tactic. The first strike is aimed at destroying the target. A short pause is then held to allow rescuers, medics and the police to arrive, and then a second strike is made at the same location. To increase casualties among civilians and especially rescuers and medics. But Russia never bothers about moral, ethical or legal aspects.

What do we know about the Russian attack on Odesa on March 15.

At 11:01 an air alert started. A few minutes later, a powerful explosion rang out in Odessa. At 11:08, the Air Force warned of a ballistic threat to the southern regions. At 11:21, another powerful blast occurred, followed by another one. Air raid clear was given at 11:47.

Serhiy Rotaru was a paramedic at substation No. 5. Brigades No. 51 and No. 54 were the first to receive the challenge. Serhiy and his colleagues went to do their job - to help the victims of the rocket attack. At this moment, the Russian army struck Odessa for the second time. According to the manager of substation No. 1, Vladyslav Kryzhanovskyi, the medic died on the spot.


This is Serhiy ...

Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine of Odesa region published a footage from the spot yesterday:

I thought for a long time about the best way to spend raised 2619.4 UAH. And yesterday, watching online how the number of dead is raising... 10, 16, 19, 20, I realised that I must found a way to help people in Odesa. Today there are 21, so far. The dead include a firefighter driver, a rescuer, a policeman, and a former deputy mayor.

A volunteer from the city of Dnipro, who himself is involved in evacuating the wounded, gave me the contacts of a reliable volunteer from Odesa. It turned out that her neighbor is the mother of the deceased paramedic Serhiy. She is a high school teacher, and Serhiy's wife did not work because she was raising two small children.


As soon as I got my mother's card number, I immediately transferred the money to her. But after few minutes the payment returned. I repeated the payment and it came back again. It was around 10pm and I called the bank's support service. Ukraine has an excellent banking system. And you know, that guy said - the problem is not with your card. The bank sets an automatic limit on the number or amount of incoming payments, and the recipient has exceeded this limit.

I still get tears when I think of this moment. So many people responded and wanted to help that their transfers exceeded the limit. So I waited until the next day came and the limit might reset to zero, and made the transfer again. This time successfully. After that I was able to fall asleep.

2700 UAH is 50L of gas. Or 1 month payment for utilities for a 1-room apartments. Although can money bring back a son who passed before his parents, or a husband, or a father of small children? We all know the answer. Anyway, it is a good feeling when you know you can do something for these people.

If you want to contribute, it's simple. Go to and buy some NFT or increase your NFT-level. Your funds will go directly to Ukraine to people in need.

Previous reports are all here:

Report #17, Dec 28, 2023

Report #16, Apr 1, 2023

Report #15, Jan 29, 2023

Report #14, Dec 27, 2022

Report #13, Nov 21, 2022

Report #12, Oct 14, 2022

Report #11, Sep 25, 2022

Report #10, Aug 9, 2022

Report #9, Jul 12, 2022

Report #8, May 23, 2022

Report #7, May 9, 2022

Report #6, Apr 30, 2022

Report #5, Apr 13, 2022

Report #4, Apr 7, 2022

Report #3, Apr 1, 2022

Report #2, Mar 28, 2022

Report #1, Mar 26, 2022

Photo credit -

Thank you for your donations and all kind of support!🙏



Tragic for everyone involved, but so glad you were able to chip in for the mother who lost her son. May peace prevail. <3

Thank you, @phoenixwren

Dear @zirochka, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @phoenixwren.

zirochka, phoenixwren sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Maybe you should create the alternative separate account "NFTs for Victory", where the funds are destined to buy supplies for the defenders as well. Ukraine is literally in a "Victory or Death" situation where the only option is to defend the nation as the enemy betrays every single deal aimed at reducing casualties in both sides.

Then keep both projects, the "for Peace" dedicated to alleviate the situation for civilians and "for Victory" aimed at supporting the defenders.

I know a single Artillery shell can cost about $5K, but every effort, no matter how big or small counts in this situation.

When the full-scale invasion began, I started writing about the war and my experiences. Many people on Hive, my friends and just strangers sent donations to my account, and I withdrew those donations along with the reward for the posts. I converted those funds into fiat on the exchange and transferred them to my card. These funds were extremely useful in the first weeks of the war. We had almost nothing... Then NFT for Peace was introduced, so more people could join in.

Now it's been 2 years, or 755 days. You are absolutely right about "Victory or Death" situation, my husband is in AF... But creating a new project requires resources, like people and money. I wasn't a creator of "NFT for Peace", I was the one responsible for the usage of costs and decent reporting. The other question is how many people are willing to donate to it. As we see, donations for "NFT for Peace" are very small now.

I've been donating my private costs from my bank account to support militaries all this time, this is my solution. Besides, the situation with Funds (including international) is much better now, so one doesn't need Hive for that. I can recommend the fund that personally I trust the most for its transparency and highest competence -

Thank you for the link. Going to send a small amount there.

Thank YOU! 💙💛

You have done a great job getting Hive funds to people who need it.

Curated with Ecency vote.

That's right, such a country should be supported by all of us because the people who live there are very worried because of the war.

Worried at the best case. It's like you have to drop all your business when air raid starts but when you return your house and your loved ones are all okay. But every time it happens to me I know that somewhere in Ukraine someone lost his home, or someone is killed. Not to mention our best guys who are at the front line.

If you chose a side you should understand why


zirochka, pixresteemer sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Боже, яке жахіття! Коли ці кляті нелюди-рашисти вовиздихають всі?!

Без нашої допомоги ніколи...

I will continue to support you as well as your noble and beautiful cause for peace, even if I am now almost 100% withdrawn from Hive (due primarily to external reasons and an abusive authoritarian and evil so-called admin and his acolytes, not because of my own will per se; you'll see who they are when they will inevitably hit this comment hard because they also don't like free speech). I will transfer all my remaining funds from Steemit to Binance and then to your beautiful cause. It might not be much, approximately 40 to 50 Steem, but I hope it will make a difference.

As a side note, I've checked my badges relatively recently and I have been stripped of all of the charity ones (including the ones related to Ukraine; I can only presume who did it and what a sadistic and horrible monster can that one be). I have been badly and wrongly accused here of stuff which I did not do or even did not intend to do (such as allegedly bragging about doing charity instead of actually supporting causes; what I did was merely endorse and support this cause and other ones to the best of my capabilities and spread the word of peace - this, nonetheless, was tremendously disliked by some, but that does not matter), but I take solace in the fact that I was accused so by a hypocrite warmonger and a sadistic animal murderer (I shudder to think how can such a monster even exist, but that's an entirely different story). To accuse someone of something the respective person did not do (regardless of the person we might hypothetically talk about) is utterly erroneous and beyond any stretch of imagination in terms of evil and sadistic behaviour.

As you previously pointed out, I contributed in the past to other causes but the badges associated with them have been taken away from my profile (as it was the case of a recent Christmas badge which made me very happy last year given to me by a generous and nice user here). Once again, I can only presume who did it but I will never be able to fully understand the underlying reasons for these sadistic, brutal, and uncivilised actions (in point of fact, there is nothing to understand about these)... That does not matter that much either, at least not to me, not anymore now. I don't know if those badges (which have been stolen from me, literally or erased in tremendous bad will and in a horrendous abusive manner) can be retrieved or replaced on my profile and, at this point, it's far beyond my interest as this is remotely about me (but I just shared a certain negative past experience here on the blockchain with someone who can understand it).

I truly hope your country will regain peace, prosperity, reconstruction, and many beautiful things it deserves. I have been severely sad and sickened by this brutal war you did not deserve and I live more or less across the border. This war has been unfortunately raging on for way too long... I donated for Ukrainian children, refugees, and medical supplies (as did other Romanians and a friend of mine) approximately since the beginning of this invasion and I will continue to help to the best of my capabilities up until I will still be able. I wish you all the best and plenty of success here on Hive and beyond! Peace, understanding, compassion, and many blessings from Suceava, Romania! 💛💙🇺🇦🙏✌️☮️

P.S. Rotaru is a Romanian name. I am very sad for him... R.I.P. A true hero! May peace prevail in your country and may you live in harmony and prosperity as you truly deserve!

The service that displays the badges was down for a bit, but it's working again now. I think you will see the badges again now. 🙂

Thanks for your comment. I know it was down for a bit, but I still see my badges missing there... It looks like it's up and running now (and, actually, for quite some time), but I still see many badges missing there. Oh, well, that's life... All the best! 🙂

I highly appreciate your contribution, and your compassion and support. There is so much injustice in the world ((( Take care

Take care and stay safe along with your family and friends! God bless Ukraine! Thank you for your kind words! All the best and many blessings from Romania! I will continue to support your charity cause as much as possible in the near future, I promise!

I received your donations, as you promised. Thank you so much, @vikthor !
I plan to use them to donate along with my own funds. The war has been going on too long, the needs are changing but not disappearing, so I don't stop donating and volunteering, even though I don't write about it anymore. Thank you again 💙💛