Ancestral Medicine Revival- NGO “Organizations into Organisms”

in #ngo5 years ago


After several years of traveling and living in our van around the sates our Non-Profit Organization (NGO). “Tree of Light Wellness” was birthed, which we attached our already existing project called “Ancestral Medicine Revival.”

The inception of our work begins from raised on and off the Shoshone-Bannock reservation in Idaho, due to pressure of city life our parents were lured into the small city of Pocatello, the name of Shoshone Cheif who survived a major massacre. The city life and the ‘American Dream’ completely blinded us from our ancestral ways and traditions for the beginning part of our life, we only went to the Rez for sports and health care, pow wow, and to see cousins, although the ancestral wisdom presence was always been around us we never payed any attention to it.

But as some may know the system we live in has been extremely successful in colonizing not just the lands but our minds, which is the very fact some may not know. Curiosity of life drove both my brother and I out of Idaho where we realized that actually nothing we are told in schools about history is true, and everything our ancestors had to endure is not talked about. A very systemic approach to erase an ancient culture was enough for us for to find motivation in remembering these ways, persevering then and now sharing them. It was then we also realized that we have enormous work to do for our ancestors called “Inherited Ancestral Karma.”

My brother and I are part Oneida and Washoe, Central American and even some Irish. Our mission as indigenous people of North America is that of which our ancestors and elders still practice through the honoring of those before us, the wisdom keepers, the 4 directions, the elements, the cycles of the earth, races and animals that all collectively serve nature. The honoring of these elements was traditionally done through ceremony. Ceremony for us simply refers to ‘Focused Intention,’ which comes in all kinds of forms. The ‘White Buffalo Calf Woman’ story talks about the 7 great ceremonies that were given, the most common form of ceremony we see today is “Inipi” or “Sweat Lodge,” a purifying/cleansing ceremony that represent our ‘earth mothers’ womb, it is said that after these ceremonies we come out clean like a brand new baby.


Seven years of travels has evolved into our ‘Ancestral Medicine Revival’ (AMR) project and now large network, all whom we have personally met in serval different continents and have a relationship with, which we have found to be the most important aspect in birthing this particular type of work and project. Everyone who follows our page approves of our work in some way, but also is in agreeance with eachother to be apart of a collective platform that seeks to serve the earth and each other. Collective meaning everyone is allowed to post their own events, workshops and share anything they desire pertaining to restoring balance within our earth mother and humanity over corporate interests. AMR is where we can all organize, meet like-hearted people that are doing similar work with focused intentions and communicate who is doing what, and how others can collaborate.


The 1800 brothers/sistars following our ‘Ancestral Medicine Revival’ FB page already has a particular awareness about life or else they simply wouldn’t be interested in our work. On this page we simply post our Sound Ceremony events, Spirit Quest journeys, fund raisers and other side projects such as the one we did over Christmas here in Ecuador for a family in need and an educational program for kids. We post others events, items we make and sell, workshops, self help, latest science and technology, and other projects that pertain to all forms of higher consciousness. We see it as a way to disperse knowledge and information with out the need defend or support our own perspectives, because ‘Truth’ is what we have all individually came back to earth to discover for ourselves, a self journey to discern what is true for you and no one else but you.


The journeys have intentionalized into traveling to many indigenous communities and “sacred sites” around the world to now taking groups on “spirit quests.” Where we take groups to these sacred sites and to indigenious communities with intentions to apply ancient wisdom, methods and techniques to connect with the land, elements, and people through music, dance and prayer/ceremony. Each day we have a new routine to go to new sacred sites with new individual and group intentions to learn about the history of each place and then offer our own collective energy to that site. Our elders say that these sacred sites are still “living,” and just like the meridians in our body they are sending electrical impulses through the earth just like our bodies.


Even more discovery is showing us that temples, pyramids, and these ‘sacred sites’ are so precisely located that they align up directly with star constellations, as if a mirror reflection or map of the cosmos. The journey of ‘why’ the ancients were dedicating entire lives to this work is of course a personal journey.


Cymatics is the science of visual audio frequency and it tell us that sound creates a geometrical shape configuration at each frequency, the higher the hertz the more complex the shape, we also know that vibration is frequency, which is sound. Light is moving and reflecting at different frequencies so light is also sound. Concluding that sound influences all of matter.


The next majority of our work is something we have manifested through ‘Bridge Work,’ and we call it “Sound Ceremony” you may have heard them called ‘Sound Bath’ or ‘Sound Journey.’ Our particular flavor of this work includes traditional songs, story, and the wisdom of the medicine wheel and ultimately the ways our ancestors. This work has been more rewarding than ever imagined. It has allowed us to travel the majority of the states sharing and providing space for people to feel comfortable and safe to apply these ancient methods in a way where people can do their own healing.


We conduct these Sound Cermonies anywhere from homes, yoga studios, nature or any place of desired isolation. It is a symbiotic experience, meaning how involved participants are is how involved we can be or rather the instruments can be involved, the concept is the quality of instrumental harmony is indicative of the quality of presence within the participants. We work to apply the ancient knowledge, wisdom, techniques and methods during these ceremonies by using imagery, a form of meditation, intentions, indigenous instruments (flute, didgeridoo, rattles, bells, hung drum, kora, kalimba, toneations), traditional medicine songs, and possibly the most important aspect, the construction of the “Medicine Wheel,” an ancient technology that can be found all over the Americas that is said to act as an ‘Etheric Fire.’

Participants are then encouraged to follow a particular breath pattern that is actually the main generator of the experience allowing the mind to effortlessly slip into body and ultimately heart awareness, which science calls the ‘Theta Brainwave State,’ or the state in between sleeping and waking life. This space has no actual words to describe, only when we have experienced it can we know, but we do know that this space is where we can heal “Ancestral/Generational Karma,” not just that but to gain clarity in anything we are seeking in life.

This is where the work of the “Hearth Math Institute” is revolutionary providing all the latest science explaining that our hearts have the same neural networks and ganglia to produce thought and perceive our senses, except the major difference is that the heart is non-dualistic and has an electromagnetic field 100x stronger than the mind.

Also noteworthy our elders say that creators work can never have a price, so everything we do is by donation, which we have found to be the best way to exercise our trust and faith in creation. Again the universal law is; whatever quality of energy you put out will be the same quality of energy returned. Well let’s just say we haven’t had a corporate job in 7 years. Rich with experiences, relationships, resources, creativity and ancient technology.

The remaining parts of our work is hand hand-made crafts and goods we make with feathers and stones, oils, herbs, song with energy work such as, reiki, feather tapping, and crystal grids. We also work many intentional festivals all over the world that again has priorities to bring like-hearted people together to serve the land, offering workshops on a variety of self-discovery topics, yoga, meditation, ceremony, prayer.

We are also involved in the medical aspect of cannabis and hemp, but with the focus to spread awareness of the multi functional use and medicine that the plant has always been. Hemp can make building materials, fibers for cloths, oil for energy, medicines, paper, ect.


The accumulated work has led into “Bridge Work,” the effort of connecting not just indigenous communities but non-profit organizations (NGO) that are serving the earth and people as priority rather than corporate interest. We call these groups “Organizations moving into Living Organisms.” Generally we come across these Organizations/Organisms simply by traveling communicating our NGOs vision when the opportunities arise. Naturally we come across many people and their own projects and NGOs, truly this is the law of attraction at its finest. But it is important for us to directly to meet and develop a relationships with other NGO’s so that we can directly experience their work and their alignment of service to the people, the land and possibly our projects as well. Otherwise organizations find us through friends of friends or If and when they come participate at one of our sound ceremonies.


Also our ancestors also had several types of “Runners” whos role was to collect and drop off messages and resources to different regions and tribes, they spent days on horse back and were always venturing into the unknown, so they could be seen as the first kind of travelers also doing a type of ‘bridge work.’ This is where my brother and I see our selves today, as modern “Runners,” living day to day connecting various peoples and knowledges. We have also been likened to to bees and mycelium, because bees are mass communicators and pollinators carrying essential information to and from nature, without their service we wouldn’t have most of our foods. Mycelium research has shown us that they are the natural internet of the earth, relaying electrical impulses of information to and from plants, trees and soil microbes. So it’s clear this ‘Bridge Work’ is demonstrated in some form in many areas of life.

The higher aspect of this ‘Bridge Work,’ is the effort to incorporate ancient technologies, the wisdom of our ancestors, the laws of the universe into contemporary modern settings, which is already happening now in many forms through dance, music, nature, food, and ceremony. This ‘Bridge Work’ has even been prophesied of how humanity might come together. The “Rainbow Prophecy,” speaks about how all nations of all colors of all creed and disciplines will stand together having collectively learned the lesson of duality and separatism and unite to restore peace in earth. On a fundamental level we see almost everyone especially in the states with mixed blood, signifying that colors are blending, knowledges are blending and ways of life are blending. These prophecies also speak of the use of technology And how we will either realize that technology is a mirror reflection of the technology of consciousness, mind, body awareness (internal), or how it will consume and keep people distracted to the external world continuing to seek outside of themselves. Wonderful words we can use to contemplate these concepts are, fusion, synthesis, transmutation, transfiguration, mitosis, synergy.


In my “Organizations to Organisms” themed blog series I will be shining light on the wonderful work being done on each particular NGO or ‘Organization/Organism,’ and how these ‘Bioneers’ are confronting climate issues, permaculture projects, renewable resources, healthy technology, promoting mindfulness, forest preservation, or holding intentional retreats. In these blogs I will be sharing what It May look like for an organization to transition into a ‘living organism.’ I will also be expressing how people can volunteer and contribute to these ‘organizations/organisms’ as well as our personal experiences of meeting and developing relationships with these ‘organizations/organisms’ so that people may develop trust through hopefully a heartfelt read emotional blog to inspire collective cooperation and service at their own leisure. Currently 3 blogs are up and flying.


The blogs then evolves into a practical technology and link, an open resource website that will list all of the ‘Ancestral Medicine Revival Approved Organizations/Organisms,’ meaning that the ones listed will have personally been visited by us, or has been throughly researched and/or has been recommended by an ‘Earth Servant’ trustworthy source that confirms with certainty that in fact these listed ‘Organizations/Organisms’ do with precision have first priority to serve humanity and the earth over corporate pressure and interest. The technology and website will have the ‘Organization/Organism’ name, category, contact information, location, and brief description of their mission and their available volunteer work. One will also be able to enter key words to focus their interests and desire of service. Right now we have over 50 listed and approved ‘Organizations/Organisms.’


“In genetics this is what is called non-coding DNA or ‘junk’ DNA. The fact is that every human being carries the entire evolutionary memory of humanity within their body and is unconsciously driven by this memory.” The alchemical process of transmutation of this memory is what is actually termed ‘freedom.’ Although it is very important to recognize when working on ancestral trauma that is only necessary to focus on the trauma enough to define the issue, any more attention (energy) given to the trauma will only feed the wounds. This is why the metaphysical methods and techniques of transmutation are so important to detach from e-motion (energy-in motion), because it is said like magnets emotions will stick to our electromagnetic field and accumulate if not otherwise consciously cleansed or purified. Some ways we have learned to do this is with herbs, feathers, crystals, salt showers or even personal fire ceremonies. Transmutation can be contemplated and understood through the process of turning lead into gold which is an alchemical science that requires much in depth studies.

The challenges right now is ‘how do we get people to wake up to the fact that our earth mother is a living breathing being just like us that holds memory, then she too must hold the records of this same “Ancestral Karma.” Therefore this work is not only beneficial to the self, parents, children and ancestors but the entire collective human race that shares the same DNA.


A big wave and perfect example of ancestral wisdom and higher consciousness meeting modern contemporary settings currently, especially in the states is being called “Ecstatic Dance.” People are gathering in all the major cities weekly not just to dance but to celebrate within a ceremonial setting. These spaces generally open the dance floor by gathering in a circle, holding hands, and speaking intentions of exercising truth, ways to access your highest potential through ‘Movement Medicine.’


The complementing aspect to this space is the evolving DJs that are displaying a type of fusion music from all around the world especially incorporating tribal, primal beats within in modern music. Even more Some DJs are going as far as programming certain hertz that have been proven harmonious to the human body in their music. Some are even recording choruses at different “sacred sites,” relaying that the music then holds the energetic imprint of that site. Some are blending in all kinds of inspiring quotes from several scientists, and pioneers of consciousness. Some are even incorporating traditional ceremonial songs adding several layers ‘sacredness, feeling emotion, and intention.

Ecstatic Dance has evolved into a celebration, ceremony, networking and healing atmosphere all in one. The experience start out mellow with low beats per minute, while some are stretching or doing Qi Gong, and gradually the per minute increase to the point of explosion at its peak and then softly lowered back down into calmness by the end of the set, symbolizing a journey of intentional ‘medicine movement.’ Sometimes people will do a brief sound healing at the end of the set and then the space is closed again with everyone coming together in a circle to share their experiences and other things going on in the community. Again another example of the this rainbow phase of ‘synthesis’ in life.

My 5 years of experiencing and working these events I have never experienced a heightened sense of euphoria or bliss any where else. Sometimes hundreds of people with the same self awareness, dancing to ‘concious music,’ all dancing for a higher purpose precipitates some type of electric atmosphere. Something so felt that emotions arise never even knew existed. One particular experience I was dancing blindfolded, and I was moving like I had never moved before, as if a genetic memory was accessed of ancestral dancing, a sense of awareness that exceeded my individual perception. I then had the realization of why and who I’m really dancing for, not for myself, not for attention, but for the one eternal source (god), for energetic stimulation of giving to all life.


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