Disco Moon?

in #nibiru7 years ago

The Nemesis system (a.k.a Nibiru system) has been revealing itself through the effects on our planet over the past 10 years or so. But now, it's very close! Check out Steve Olson's latest video on the "Disco ball moon" we now have.

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Most will just ignore this kind of stuff or write it off as 'crazy', some will take heed but will freak out with doomsday fantasies... On the other hand, I be like

The end is nigh!

A curious light refraction effect, color changing moon, unscheduled eclipse... Very curious indeed.

That's insane it's been crazy moon patterns ever since Christ returned and no one really pays attention to it...

You're right, VERY few!

We noticed a huge halo just last night but yeah this is pretty wild. No doubt as a result of NIBIRU and a sign of the times we are currently living in.

I saw that too!

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