I'm on the peace side with you!
It's why I stopped eating animal products.
Peace begins at our plate. Eating factory farmed animals and derivatives is also violent domination. Just in another form.
Honestly, I think if we are all starting to see that, the world will become a much more peaceful place. We will see that we are all alike, all capable of suffering, we are all longing for peace. Whether you're a Nicaraguan Humanbeing or an African Rhino or a Milkcow. Most of us are not in our natural state right now.
We are all earthlings and we all want peace. Except for the ones who don't but they are outnumbered I think.
I personally can't do shit about the situation in Nicaragua. I guess I can only be a peaceful example. Show some light. Well that's what I'm trying to do at least.
Oh but you can help nicaragua, just remind the people you talk to thatvwe dont like bullies and shouldnt tolerate govts run by them.
When the people reject rule by force we will know peace.
Right now most folks dont equate govt with being bullied.