It's 28 minutes past midnight, the deadline the NiceHash team set up for themselves. There is a nice development.
Can anybody guess what is going on? Gone for the minute or gone for good?
NiceHash Saga So Far
Previous articles:
It's 28 minutes past midnight, the deadline the NiceHash team set up for themselves. There is a nice development.
Can anybody guess what is going on? Gone for the minute or gone for good?
Previous articles:
I would say they were overwelmed by user trying to go to their site. I managed to go to login and enter my credentials but thats it.
still waiting for the confirmation mail.
It's working now. At least the site. Miner can't find pools:
Website is back:
Yes, it is. My old balance is shown too. Installing the new version of miner v2 now ...
The old one can't find any pools. We'll see with the new one...
Nope. No pools!