Download NiftyHash 1.0 b2:
This is a demo of NiftyHash- The mister NiceHash Mining software for Apple Macs. It automatically maximizes your computers earning potential. NiftyHash is easy to download and set up.
The download link is in the info box below. Setting it up is as easy as clicking the benchmark button, entering your Bitcoin wallet address, and turning on the devices.
The NiceHash screen is where to enter your Bitcoin Address as well as where turn on and off the mining devices.
The Statistics screen shows you your hash rate and potential earnings over time. It also shows Bitcoin price information and ping times to the various nice hash mining servers.
The Benchmark screen shows the latest nice hash prices and earnings potential for each algorithm.
The Preference screen has great options for interactive throttle and laptops. If you prefer Litecoin, monero, or dash, that can be changed along with the Fiat denomination.
It’s really simple. That’s NiftyHash.
In lak’ech ala k’in
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Version 1.0.0 b3 is available