My son is stammering little bit and he use to go to speech therapy to correct it.
Part of the therapy is "Special Time". It is a time when parent and child are playing together for approx 10 minutes. The point is, it is a child that is choosing the game and that is leading the play and it should be preferably something that encourage the interaction and communication.
It is actually very hard to let your child play the way he want without not telling him what to do, what to say and how to play.
Especially if one comes from culture where father is respected person, breadwinner and simply someone you shouldn't play with if you don't want to be in trouble.
I don't want to say that Nigerian fathers don't ever play with children at all, but at least in older days, from what I know, it wasn't something usual like nowadays.
My husband told me that when his late father came back home, all children in the house were quiet and pretended that they are studying and once he arrived they greeted him with "Good afternoon sir!"
Sounds funny to me but I am sure it wasn't that funny when he was a child :D
Other challenging part of Special time is to keep away other siblings. Mainly the last one is always very jealous of her brother.
I made this video for speech therapist. The original one is without music and you can hear their conversation. In case if you wonder what their play is about. They are building Ankylosaurus and they are competing who is going to build bigger one. If you don't know, Ankylosaurus is the one with "hammer" on the tip of his tale. Yeah, that is not a tower that you are seeing there.
My son loved the last time-lapse video that I made yesterday and wanted to have one too. The background music, 10.000 reasons, is his choice too.
Muj syn ma trosku problemy s koktanim a zacal kvuli tomu chodit na logopedii.
Soucasti terapie je takzvany "Specialni cas". Je to cas kdy si rodic a dite spolu zhruba deset minut hraji. Pointa je nechat dite vybrat hru a aby hru dite samo vedlo. Idealne by to melo byt neco kde je potreba komunikace a interakce.
Je to vlastne docela tezke. Clovek ma prirozene tendence dite opravovat a rikat co by melo a nemelo delat. Zvlaste pokud rodic pochazi z kultury jako je ta nigerijska, kde je otec respektovana autorita, kterou neni radno jakkoliv pokouset, pokud se deti nechteji dostat do problemu.
Ted nechci rict, ze si nigerijsti otcove nikdy s detmi nehraji a nahrali, samozrejme zalezi i na rodine. Ale v davnejsich dobach to nebylo rozhodne bezne jako to byva dnes. A kdyz se tak zamyslim, nasi tatove k nam mivali castokrat jiny pristup nez maji ti dnesni a moderni tatkove :D
Muj manzel mi vypravel, ze kdyz se tata objevil doma z prace, tak vsechno ztichlo a predstiralo se, ze vsichni studuji. A kdyz se otec objevil ve dverich, museli ho pozdravit "Dobre odpoledne pane!" Takova domaci vojna :)
Asi to zni komicky, ale vsadim se, ze to manzelovi a ani jeho sourozencum tenkrat moc vtipne neprislo.
Toto video jsem udelala pro naseho logopeda aby videl jak syn komunikuje a kdy a jak se v reci zadrhava. Puvodni video nema hudbu a lze slyset jejich konverzaci. Cela hra byla o tom, ze si staveli z lega Ankylosaura a soutezili v tom, kdo postavi vetsiho. Syn miluje dinosaury, takze kdybyste nevedeli, Ankylosaurus je ten s kladivem na konci ocasu :D
Synovi se libilo moje time-lapse video ktere jsem vcera vytvorila a pral si mit jedno s tatou. Hudba, 10.000 reasons, je take podle jeho vyberu. Je to krestanska pisen ktera se casto zpiva v kostelich.
Muj muz je krestan a do kostela chodime kazdou nedeli, ackoliv ja sama krestankou nejsem. O tom ale zase nekdy priste ;)
Special time
Specialni cas
▶️ DTube
Nice family you have there.
Thanks. All made with love 😂