in #nigerialast year

The Nigeria situation keeps getting worse by the day and with all indications, there's no assurance that things will get better soon for real.

We went on a house hunt for my friend yesterday and the outcome was really heartbreaking, the housing situation is so bad that agency fee is even expensive more than the annual rent itself.

Asides the fact that the house owners wants exorbitant amount for these apartments, the agency fee (agreement, commission and damages) is extremely outrageous and disappointing.

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Now I don't know if to blame that on the government or us as individuals trying to make things harder for our fellow human.

And to make matters worse, it's not even like you'd get extremely better apartment for reasonable amount, the houses withing budget are not even worth it and I kept wondering how we got here in this country.

CoSt of living keep increasing and making money is reducing, they re forcing people into penury by the day and it's really heartbreaking.

Right now, to even migrate from the country is hard for average people as the cost of leaving the country alone is discouraging and almost unachievable for average people.

I don't know the miracle that'd happen asap like this because I am slowly loosing it and it' keep getting tougher...

I pray God come through, that being said, between UK and US which is a better country for immigrants?