I will never forget the popular saying that goes thus you'll be addressed the way you dress. The dressing of this generating has gone provocative. People no more dress to promote their culture like we have it before where the yoruba dress like
And the *hausa *dress to promote their cultureigbos
[source] (http://www.nairaland.com/1049350/yoruba-wedding-attire-get-wedding/1) [source] (https://www.flickr.com/photos/35240543@N02/12566856343) and the [source] (
All of the above dressed to promote their ethnic culture. But we hardly get these in our world of today. Civilization has influenced our culture negatively. People now dress to seduce people and promote rape,indecent dressing forgetting the fact that it is hazardous to the upcoming generations). May God save us from this untoward generation because we have fallen short of the ancient landmark.
Even during the Bible days, when Adam & Eve discovered they were naked, they sew themselves aprons made from leaves just to cover their nakedness. But now people who clam to be sane are dressing like they don't have the fear of God in them.
W complain there is sexual-wrecklessness, lust, rape and the likes* in our world, the issue is if there were no TEMPTER, there will be no TEMPTATION. why not let us address this and bring our world back to sanity. This in not about religion. People dress 👗 almost naked in the streets, churches, firm, organizations without been cautioned by their superiors . What then do we say when people
begin to lust. They begin to lust an when they get back home, they'll begin to masturbate. Even if they want to ignore you, they fragrance of your perfume alone has given them erection and since they are not immortal, they will begin to lust. ! Can you imagine this people who dressed from home with the mind of going to church?
indecent+dressing+in+church.pngagents of darkness. What message do you want the minister to preach? You better repent else you go to hell. .
👉 parent, teach your children
👉 teachers, teach your student
👉 pastors, teach your members[source] (http://www.eternityrace.com/2016/04/the-provocative-indecent-dressing-of.html). They are indeed
This is an approach to redress the case of provocative dressing. The writer dealt with the them with concise ingridients enough to spice up a turnaround.
Thanks @apostlebj for thus insightful and inspiring essay
Maybe some upvoters should grow up and upvote more work of this magnitude@sophy, thanks for showing up again to acknowledge a good piece.
Yes boss. Thanks
A lot has really changed in the fashion world today which has had negative influence on people. But like you said, people need to know the beauty of decency in dressing. Thanks for this @apostlebj
I wish people will learn from this post
Thanks beloved. May God help our generation
This generation of ours is something else,may God continue to guide us
There is a saying..."you are address the way you dress"....food for thought
Nice article, you are addressed the way you are Dressed. When u dress nice u Leave nice its just simple
Culture is beautiful