Superior Coin is a secure, private, untraceable currency. Unlike many crypto currencies that are derivatives of Bitcoin, Superior Coin is based on the CryptoNote protocol and possesses significant algorithmic differences relating to blockchain obfuscation.The interesting part is you can earn free SUP for completion simple tasks such as liking a facebook post on kryptonia ..Kryptonia is the free hub for all things Superior Coin. When you join you get coins for setting up your account. This is where our community works together to
help each other on Steemit, and other social media platforms. By joining you become a part of a movement who values financial privacy, and security.
Join us today with this link>>Kryptoniaor use referral EZ2D3RWNBK
Superior coin is traded on southxchange and many other exchanges SOUTHXCHANGE
For more info on sup visit superior-coin.com
Btw no mind my thin body π€£π€£π€£π€£
Thanks man. Been actively on Kryptonia for almost a week now. Excited to see where SUP goes!
Sup is going to the moon ....woow kryptonia gave you an awesome upvote
Welcome to the SuperiorCoin Team :)
Thank you sir
I'm very new to the world of cryptocurrency and this is the first time I'm hearing about Superior Coin. "Secure, Private, and Untraceable" is what draws me in. I will have to look further into this. Thanks.
Thanks for giving sup your attention, im sure you will love it
It's collect post, Like it
Thank you
Dude nice on, lets push superior coin upwards
Yes lets do this
Nice T-shirt
Thank you
Use some super layman's term...
Good day. More power, bro@easytyga you should try using some words that can be understand by most people, bro... My brother that was reading this one, was asking me like," what does he mean by cryponote protocol, and blockchain obfuscation thing...?" You know what's funny? The look on his was comical, it was as though he found his lobg lost son that he didn't recognize...
Lmao, alright bro , will try to break it down next time
Great job @easytyga and welcome to the @superiorcoin Team. Check out https://www.facebook.com/NigeriaCitizensActionNetwork/ Superior Coin is the Crypto of CAN (Citizens Action Network) and we will be sharing your article.
Thank you ..will check it out
Superior Coin is getting better every day
Yes it is sir
Dude nice on, lets push superior coin upwards
Been loving Kryptonia ever since @sydesjokes referred me! Great community supporting this coin!
Thats awesome mate, @johngentry referred me
Good work all involved!
I'll tell my Nigerian friends also about this campaign
Thats awesome bro.. Thanks
U Nigerian π³π¬?
Good to know this, is my first time to hear this.
I need one t-shirt like that, nice one. From kryptonia