Recently I've been scrolling through my friend's list and I've been noticing strange names and profile pictures everywhere and I doubt if I'm the only one who's noticed the regular change. I notice the white faces and the English names. John Knight, Hillary Coleman. And stuff. I figure out that I never added any white person. Nor did I have any connection with a white man.
And yes I know what's going through your mind and you guessed right. People's accounts are being hacked. Daily. And it's happening at a rapid rate. Yahoo boys are not smiling. I feel sorry for those who have been affected though. I can't possibly imagine my account being hacked so I have to be extra careful.
And so do you.
Here are a list of things you should do to protect your account from the claws of hackers and fraudsters.
You must never click links. Be it facebook pageantrys, “See who loves you” links, the sorts. They are risky. You stand a chance of tossing your password and information into someone's server and he can easily have access to your account. I don't click links 🔗.
Contact Facebook services for a reverification session. Update your passwords and send them your IDs. So they can update your account for you. Sadly your facebook name might be changed in the process. Permanently. Like my account. I cannot change my facebook name because it corresponds with the details I had given Mark some years back. But hey, what's a facebook name to all your friends and wonderful pictures, and memories aye?
Be careful of the messages you open in your mail. You will see messages about studying abroad and whatnot. Things you never subscribed for. My dear, don't click it. It's a trap. The hacking method is called phising. Very rampant. Old but rampant.
Always make sure your geo-location is always on. I don't care if you lied on your facebook that you're staying in Bronx. My dear, put that GPS on. If you love your account that is.
Be selective of those that enters your friend's list. Filter your friends monthly and /or weekly. Because a hacked account on your list could be risky. You can be hacked through that account also. Always purge your list. And might I add that you should have a criteria for this that you accept into your friend's list. Asides the 100+ mutual friend, why don't you make extra efforts to go through the person's timeline?
Have family and friends on your list. People you can use for security check later if it is required. Not to habour strangers. I mean new connections are healthy but you need to have your close friends and family on your list. They might come in handy in the future. Sorry if that sounded wrong.
Use your real names. Names that are on your files and documents.
Well that's pretty much it. you need to be extra careful. hackers are watching if you think they don't see you, you're wrong. Your account is like meat to them. And what happens to meat? It gets eaten.
Don't forget to share. Let your friends know about this. PROTECT your account, PROTECT your memories.
Excellent observation there, fam.
I noticed similar stuff on my account some time ago and decided to prune my list.
Thanks to Facebook for their heightened sense of user protection. They helped me check various security excesses on the platform.