lassa fever epidermin

in #nigeria7 years ago

hello everyone............

its so annoying i am from Nigeria and reside all came out as a rumour some three weeks or so ago about the outbreak of lassa fever and the crazy government we have today has been sitting on their bottoms doing nothing.........they did absolutely nothing to checkmate this plague before it went forward til today and now its already destrying lives even health workers have been reported dead due to this evil menace and all the government of the day can do is play politics with the lives of its citizens it swore to protect

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cries and appeals have been let out to the authorities in question and they just keep giving it all a deaf begins to wonder what really it is.......or is it now a crime to be a citizen of Nigeria where all the government cares about is to pillage the national treasury for their own personal gains? i am so mad and upset right now this is total impunity and lack of respect for human lives

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that was how this same stupid government opened their mouth to say there was rat infestation in the presidency and the president had to work from stupid can that sound and do they really take us all to be so daft? i beg to differ its a real shame the level of disgrace and disrepute this present government has brought to the nation as a whole and the funny thing some people would say things are going on well laughable indeed


a word they say is enough for the wise but obviously its very evident that the present administration is far from having wisdom but i will still shout that they should get off their bottoms and curb and eradicate this lassa fever plague going on right now but to my fellow dear Nigerians please protect yourselves ooohhhhhh as our leaders we voted for have neglected us all we all know this is still the dry season and that will greatly aid the spread of this plagues so please try as much as possible to keep your environment as clean as possible and free from rats because they are the agents of destruction spreading this deadly disease

God help us all