in #nigeria7 years ago

The State Of The Nation's Educational System; A Far cry.
All through the night i could not sleep. My mind pondered on the state of the nation's education system. Seeing the current trend and using my Citadel as a case study i have come to realise that the aim of education in the nation have been defeated, bastardise and jeopardise. I weep for the nation. All the blame have been apportioned to the students, students no longer learn because they are being distracted by the social media and other agents, Corporate organisations have concluded that the Products thereof are unemployable because they are half baked. Even the students sees going to school as a means of securing a good job and not to acquire knowledge; which is the basis of education. Bearing all this in mind, we fail however to consider the excesses of the Teachers and Lectures and those who ought to impact the knowledge to the students. They are now after their own selfish interest of acquiring material possessions at all cost rather than pass the knowledge which is their basic function. The system became so corrupt because the teachers and lectures allowed it. Students Uses cash and kinds to get more marks and better their grades because the teachers and lectures who ought to lead the students to the right path are always there to receive these cash and kinds. Many even compel the students to block or sort as the case maybe by means of treat, compelling them to buy their textbooks at ridiculously skyrocketing prices, compelling them to pay their "dews" and "tithes" and whatever name they call it. why then will the students study when they know that no matter how hard they study they can never get above a C or a BC except they "do something"; they will always result to the easy way out which is to block. Should we now blame the teachers and lectures when the government is not paying them their salaries as at when they ought to, yet billions are going into other sectors at the expense of the educational sector.
I fear for the nation because if the educational system decays further it will affect every other sector since education is the bed rock of the society. If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do?



Thanks for your good posts, I followed you!