The hot porridge on fire
Eaten with bare hands
Without spoons, fork or knife
No matter the hotness, heat and sweat
And tongue that blister
Swallowed in whole
Without taste or joy
That's Nigeria's wealth
For the rich and powerful
The Annual BUDGET
In trillions and billions
Thousands and millions
Are shared and robbed
By the opportunist and the powerful
Without a heart
Corruptions in billions
Bribery in millions
Contracts abandoned
With commissions and omission
Dishonest and cheating
Our way of life
Tribunals and courts
For the rich and the powerful
That ends in nothing
Prisons for the poor
That steals a loving
The youth neglected
The Aged abandoned
Oh! Nigeria
With Abundance of Blessings
Your future in shamble
If nothing is done
Our hope in nothing
But GOD is watching
No matter the pleasure
And sinful joy
In GREED they perish