Episode 15: The Rich, the poor, the miserable love.

in #nigeria7 years ago


This story is written by Moshood Adebayo


“Who was that girl anyway?” she asked, standing akimbo.
“You know who she is.”
“Yes, she’s Oyeleye Benedicta’s sister. I saw her here once. What are you doing with her?”
“You saw what I was doing with her.”
“You were screwing her.”
“Yes, exactly, screwing her and a lot more. Look here… you have to understand, I love the girl and she loves me too. I can’t leave her for anything. Phillips had tried to separate us, he failed. We can’t be separated. I’m sorry, I know how you feel for me and I also respect you a lot but… when a pair is not meant to be, it’s not meant to be. And when it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be, nobody can do anything about that.”
“You really are a doleful piece of work, aren’t you? After all I’ve done for you to rid you of the little witch you’re also screwing and build something flavorsome and… and mature with you… yo—you just…” she shook her head ceaselessly, “your juvenile delinquency can’t stop drawing you down, can it?”
“I don’t have juvenile delinquency, I’m thirty. And I’m not dole—whatever.”
“That explains it better. By the way, I read your bill against Phillips.” She kept quiet a bit to study my reaction, none different. “You’re very good at writing blackmails against people, aren’t you? Did you write the one against me too? Well, let’s see how well you do at that now when I’m no more aiding your puerile ass.”

Puerile ass? Well, whatever.
She lurched out like whirlwind.

“Okay—okay, no problem, bring it on,” grumbled I as I went back to my table. I was no more afraid of any of them. In fact, I was beginning to think it was high time I dealt with them all. One shouldn’t be afraid of hawks when one’s no more a chick.

Thirty minutes after eleven o’ clock when the long break bell was rung, Mary showed up in her massiveness and sashayed up to my table, mouth squeezed at a corner. Bulky she was like a mutant pig, bigheaded and daring. Wow, she even wore an eye shadow, faint but obvious, if she had not threatened every teacher in the school with sack letter, they would surely have had it wiped under the inspiration of cane.

She got before my table and sat, and then she whispered across to me, “Why did you not come? Why did you not pick my calls? What were you doing? Where were you? Why did you not—”
“Enough—enough—enough!” I interjected her, raising my right hand. “I was busy, that was why. You really don’t need to know where I was or what I was doing. It’s none of your business.”

That struck her like a baseball bat. She looked at me wide-eyed without blinking.

“I? It’s none of my business? Adebayo, it’s none of my business?”
“Yes, it’s none of your business!”
“Hmmm… I see. I knew where you were, I just wanted to overlook it. Because you’re fucking that girl, Benedicta’s sister, it’s now none of my business, huh? You said you love me. You had sex with me, in my father’s house. It’s now none of my business, Adebayo? None of my—no problem, just remember, I put you in this office, I made you what you are. I’m your creator and goddess. You wouldn’t want to get on my bad side. Don’t joke with me when you’re drunk.”

I snickered. How good it was to not be afraid of being sacked!

“I’m not drunk,” I said frankly. “I’m not joking either. I am dating Benedicta’s sister, that’s true. I love her and nobody can separate us. Trust me, someone has tried and failed.”
She looked quite taken aback. “You’re still saying it to my face,” she grumbled almost inaudibly.
“And so what?” I spread out my arms.

She drew in her lips, perspiration forming on her forehead, her right index finger tapping idly on her left lap, chest rising and falling slowly like tensions of a suspenseful lengthy story. She heaved as she rose slowly from the chair and made her way sluggishly to the door. Then, hand on the knob, she looked back and said, “I will demolish that girl for you, it's a promise.”

She went out, leaving the door open.

I sat back and whirled majestically in my seat. Let her process my sack letter, what does it matter, I was ready to leave anyways.

It wasn’t four o’ clock before Toro called me.

“You will never stop, will you?” she had asked.
“What? Hi,” responded I, attentive.
“I received a video clip of you just now, with someone in your office, making out.”
“Are you—” I ran out of verbal coordination.

Wow, so quickly? I laughed fearfully, not sure of what video it was and of course not doubting Mary’s signature on it. I was curious, there was only one time I had got naked with a woman in my office, and it was Aunt Arike and we didn’t have an intercourse; the Proprietor’s secretary had interrupted it.

“Can you forward the video to me please?”


“Toro, you there? Please, just send the video to me, please.”
“Okay, let me… I’ll forward it.”
“Thank you.”

She sent it as an attachment through email and I downloaded it to watch Aunt Arike and my humble self, all bare and honest in our exclusive adultery.


I watched the video clip thrice before I looked up at the direction from where the camera must have been placed. A shelf of books! I smiled in fear. Cheesus Christ! I approached the shelf and combed it but found no camera or whatever looked like it. But… did she know we were going to do that that day? Even Aunt Arike couldn’t have known I was going to get suddenly devilish, or, was I so predictable?

I called back and told Toro that the encounter was what I already confessed to her and I had no idea they recorded it. I said all I could say in justification of myself and then I waited for her adjudication.

“You truly need to leave that school as soon as possible,” she had said and I said of course.

I sent for Mary, not expecting her to come but she came anyway. Then I showed her the video.

“How did you record this?” I asked, laughing.

She looked disturbed seeing me neither depressed nor down in the dumps at the step she had taken. She was probably also surprised that her surprise didn’t surprise me and I was only surprised that she was surprised that I wasn’t surprised of the surprise.

“So, is this all you’ve got? You’re recording me in my office now, hun?”
“You truly broke my heart, Ade, you broke my heart.”
“You were the one hitting your own heart with stone! I broke no heart.”
“Why are you doing this? Don’t you love me again?”
“So, even if I loved you, this is how you’re supposed to reciprocate, right?” I held up the phone.
“But you caused it. I gave you everything, I sent Phillips away for you. I did everything but you’re still cheating me.”
“I’m done here Mary, you can leave now. I only wanted to confirm that you truly sent the video and I have. I’m not disappointed. I always knew.”
“Ade, you can’t make me your enemy because of that video. I love you.”
“Okay. It’s okay. I know. I forgive you.”
“Really? You do?”
“Yes, just leave now. We’ll talk later.”

She left hesitantly.

I sat back and started thinking about everything. Fear gripped me in the throat as some options crept up in my mind. I looked into nothing and something began to have shapes.

I phoned Toro again.

“Baby,” I said eagerly, “can you help me check if the email that sent the recorded conversation between Mr. Phillips and I and the one that sent this recent video are the same or different?”
“They’re the same,” she said instantaneously.
“But, shouldn’t you check first?”
“They’re the same. I know the email like my own name. It’s not that easy to forget what sent something hurting to you.”
“Okay. Thank you. I'm sorr... I’ll call back later.”

Call ended.

I sat back and sighed heavily. Phillips didn’t send the audio, Mary did. Or else, both of them planned it. But… could they have planned such together and Phillips would still get sacked? At first, she gave me a different Phillips from the one I knew, a bad person, then she asked me to sponsor a bill against him, and when I wanted to, Phillips showed up in my face. I should’ve known; she orchestrated everything. People don’t last in the registrar’s office because they talk too much? I looked up behind my head; Mr. Francis’ portrait was still there. He talked too much.

I picked my phone and keyed in some numbers.

“Hello baby,” I said. “How’re you doing? I’m fine too. Thank you. You know what, I’ve thought about it and I think there’s actually nothing wrong in dating a student. People just don’t need to know, okay? Tonight, by 10pm, the library annex… let’s meet there and I’ll give you the best sex of your life… No—no—no, I’m serious… Okay. It’s alright.” I chuckled. “I love you too. Library annex, tonight.”

I ended the call and tossed the phone aside. I tried to calm myself, Mr. Oyeleye’s number on my phone, travelling to China soon, could work and live with Toro in New York afterwards, who would care about retaining some stupid teaching job with monster colleagues and pixy students?

I left the school at exactly 5:41pm for my place, the day at our end setting and the major roads contrastingly waking to the oppression of million footfalls. Lagos, a city that never sleeps!

I bought apples on the way and ate them without washing, damn it, washing would be a waste of time. I don’t remember what I did at home but at 7:50pm, I collected some stuffs in my backpack and went back to the school. Nobody would question me at the gate even if I had entered at 1am; I was the Registrar.

When I got into the warmness of my office, away from the unusual cold munching at innocent spirits outside, I picked my phone and made another call.

“I’m in school already; I don’t break my promises… Yeah, all right, see you at 10 and don’t let anyone sight you coming, okay? Yeah, love you too.”

Call ended.

8:46pm, after walking the edges of the school to deceive whoever could have been watching me of where I was headed, I finally arrived at the library annex.

The annex was the block the school had previously used as the main library before the new ultramodern block was built. The old was linked with the new but due to the kind of books kept there, students weren’t often fond of reading there, and it was always on lock at nights. Of course I had access to it; I had a key.

There was Pride of Barbados plants planted around the premises of the annex; I hid myself in one and waited, fearfully though, because I’ve heard of cases of snake bites from those ornamental plants. Exactly twenty-five minutes later, Mary showed up alongside a man I rarely saw in the school and the long-suspected cleaner. The man, leading, in no time at all, selected a key out of the bunch he held and unlocked the annex, the trio went inside, and for like six minutes, silence reigned in the surrounding before they came out and went away in the direction they had come from.

I smiled. Wow! So, this is it? Registrars don’t last long because they talk too much. How? Why? Because the office is bugged with listening devices! At that point in time, I remembered what Mr. Hakeem had told me once, “In that office, every word counts. It is better one keeps his mouth shut entirely.” I bet he himself knew not exactly how the Authority got to hear everything; he just knew they always did. If he knew how exactly, he would surely have divulged it to me, possibly.

You still don’t get it, do you? The call I placed to an anonymous student I was going to meet at the library annex, was a fake call. I didn’t call anyone. I suspected there were listening bugs in my office and I only did that to test my suspicion which fortunately and unfortunately checked out positive. The young man with the bunch of keys was the one inside a Control Room or whatever they called it somewhere in the school, listening and informing on us to her godmother, Mary. When they heard that I was going to meet a student at the library annex at 10, they came at 9:13pm to plant cameras so that they can have a refreshed monopoly on me.

The breeze of the night was cold and it bit at me. There was nothing to wait for again. I thought I would sleep in the school; it appeared I wouldn’t need to. So I sneaked away the way I came, went back to my office, picked my backpack and returned home.

“Let their camera record the mosquitoes, for all I care, they can go and fuck themselves,” I mumbled to myself.

I wasn’t supposed to be surprised that Mary was the architect of my conflict with Phillips; I was only surprised Phillips was not. Adults like Phillips and I though, so easily played by a child far younger than us. But whose fault was it? Did Phillips even deny the accusations leveled against him? Did he not attack me first and left a wound on my elbow? Maybe he truly wanted to implicate me but didn’t participate in that mischievous game with my love affair. But… how did Mary get Toro’s email address?

So, she had always recorded my conversations! Knowledge is power they say; her own has been drawing its strength from bugs in offices. But how could she, at her age, have mastered all those arts of espionage and villainous leadership? I knew the school must have surely installed that technology but she had compromisingly twisted it to her own tools of personal gratification.

I dialed Philips’ number, not reachable. Luckily, I was able to find sleep in the un-sleep-ish higgledy-piggledy of my mind sooner than a normal person in my shoes would have. The night whizzed by like a dragonfly and Monday came again, workers’ plight. Mummy Angela had developed a new charity programme for me which I hoped was pure, free of pesky motives. She filled my kegs with water every time, all I had to do was leave an empty keg at my door and I would find a filled one when I returned. I wonder if I had yielded to her lusts and her child had started crying outside while we abused each other inside blatantly, outside of the prison of wears, what would I have said. “Angel, shut up, I’m servicing your mother’s savings account?”

When I joined the morning assembly, Aunt Arike grabbed my arm and drew me to a corner.

“What’s wrong with you?” she demanded.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I don’t understand what you’re…” something came to my mind, the video? “Wait, the video?”
“Yes, you set me up, didn’t you? What are you trying to drive at now? Do you want to blackmail me again?”

I scoffed and looked at the students, straightly assembled, being addressed by a House Master on hygiene issues. Stealing looks at us on the last but two lines to the right however was Mary, a smugly smile on her face. I put my hand on my lips and hushed Aunt Arike to silence, and then I pointed at Mary’s direction, and looking back then in a gloating flavor was our dear young Mary herself, devil’s apprentice.

At once, Aunt Arike knew what I meant and the two of us looked at Mary who had tilted a bit sideways to poke fun at us. She winked at us before she responded to a teacher’s command to face front. Weren’t we helpless? We were like, holy crap!

Aunt Arike wanted to talk more but I said she should hold it for now. During the short break, I was on my way to the staff room to fetch Aunt Arike when Mary came out of her classroom and waved me down.

“Master—Adebayo—Master—Adebayo,” she had chortled like a tickled whore and I stilled for her to meet up.
“I’m sure you’re on your way to see your crush,” she said, breathing like a dripping ape, “sorry for delaying you. I saw you discussing me this morning, like oh Mary, she caught us on tape! Oh Mary, she’s a cute girl! Oh Mary, that girl is smarter than us! Oh Mary, God’s mother! I couldn’t be more embarrassed, like, all these encomiums for me alone? And oh baby boy, by the way, someone told me the TV at the dining hall is the largest in the school, is it true?”

I did not talk.

“I think it is,” she shrugged, nodding, “students use to gather there a lot before the night classes, and… hmmm, a place to play different videos, don't you think? Now let me tell you this, if you keep on treating me badly and choosing some bitches over me, I’ll invite you to the dining to see an interesting video soon. That’s a promise.”

“Are you trying to threaten me, Mary?”
“I’m not trying to threaten you love, I’m actually threatening you. And you know what—”
“Mr. Adebayo?” interrupted Aunt Arike who favorably showed up at a short distance away.
“Good day,” Mary winked at me and cat-walked away.

I looked at her speechlessly.

“What did she say?” enquired Aunt Arike eagerly, holding me by the arm again.
“She threatened to play the video at the dining hall if I deviated from doing her bidding.”
“What’s her bidding?”
“I don’t know. How can I when she’s not started bidding?”
“I doubt that. You’ve slept with her already, haven’t you?”
“Of course not! What kind of accusation is that?”

She was looking at me in some ‘you better confess’ eyes, her face peering intrusively into mine.

“Are you kidding me?” I stepped back from her. “I don’t like it. Don’t say that kind of a thing again.”
She scoffed, “Okay o. I just can’t believe this is happening.”
“What are we going to do now? Your cunningness should trump hers.”
“I’m not cunning, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Whatever, let’s just take a meaningful step now, I’m not ready to do her bidding and I’m not going to let her play that video for her mates.”
“I’m going to kill that brat, Jéésù Kristì ñgbó. (jesus christ can attest) Okay—okay, let me think, let me think, she wants to—you know what, I have an idea.”

I beckoned to her to lower her voice.

“She can’t play the video at the dining if the TV that is faulty, can she? Let’s wait till nightfall and see what happens to the TV.”
“Hmmm…” I frowned. “You don’t… you don’t mean you’re going to…”
“You have a better idea?”
“It’s brilliant enough an idea. I have no objection.”
“Yes,” she shrugged and we both looked at the direction Mary had gone.

Aunt Arike was still not happy with me but our reputations were at stake; we had to work together. I was about to start telling her that I was not the sponsor of the bill against her when the short break was declared over by the ringing of the bell and individual returned to his and her duties. I phoned Phillips’ number several times that day, it was never reachable. I knew where he lived, I went there after four o’ clock but found an empty apartment; they said he had packed out three days before. Elédã! (God!)

Teju called me and asked where I was, I said I had travelled. He asked when I would return, I said I’ll call him when I did, he said he had my stuffs, I said I knew, I would collect them when we meet again. That was the new world I was willing to go, I was not going to spoil it with my blue mien.

Sometimes when we’re faced with adult-sized melancholy, silence is all we need. Some need liquor, some would need music or drama, some would need to sleep, and some would just need to smoke. I considered them all but what I really needed, I was not sure I knew. There was a public secondary school with a field few blocks away from my house. I passed by that field every morning as I guided my steps carefully along the butter-and-cheese muddiness of the un-tarred road to the bus stop. I went to the school field, not to join a match or anything, it was already getting dark and individual would be preparing to call it a day. Remains of the reduced crowd still crowded at one side of the field though, some crouching, some standing, some calling, some wailing, some sitting on what was left of the school fence. Far across the crowd I sat and watched the ending part of the match with only a tiny fragment of my mind paying attention.

In my world, future is promised by clerics and clergymen with bliss as long as we sided with God; their proofs picked from the pages of scriptures, yet, every circumstance seeking to damage futures and their bliss, incomprehensibly, do not spare these clergymen and clerics, as ‘sided’ as they are. They do not buy fuel at a cheaper rate when the price escalates, what threatens and kills the sinners spares them not, and it could be tests of faith, I do not disagree, but during that time when my balls were squeezed unto the horns of a dilemma, Mary at my throat, I was not afraid, no, I was only scared of losing Toro, if ‘afraid’ and ‘scared’ differ in meanings, and I wasn’t sure my prayers could change anything.

Shouldn’t I have known that devil doesn’t look ugly and reek; she wears Prada and has nice boobs? Mary was a devil in my book; sex with her was great though, I must confess. But... whatever!

If I were not the one involved, I would’ve found it easy to proffer brilliant solutions but it was appearing to appear that geniuses could be fools in their own lives. Maybe if I started enjoying the pesky game of hide and seek instead of just surviving it, I would be in different mood. Or maybe if I just simply resigned, Mary would stop. Should I resign?

The next day arrived in an early beauty, slowly but cheerfully, shining its radiant light on my side of Lagos. I thought pinkness was supposed to be a twilight thing, not a mark on the breaking of day. Well, was it even the first time such would occur? Most of us just don’t pay attention until we're too happy or too sad. I smelled bread somewhere close and that reminded me of Agege bread from which these modern sliced breads have alluringly dragged me. Perfect moment to write a letter!

As much as I needed a table and a chair in my room, buying a set never crossed my mind anytime I passed by a plastic shop; consequently, I sat, slept, ate and did everything on the bed. I drafted my resignation letter, fast and relaxingly. Teju was already a friend, hopefully. Toro already chose me over the MTV stupid guy. Their dad already gave me his number. What would I still be doing in the school? I was good to go and I knew it was the right time. You don’t find fat people in violence because they know when to leave. A dated bombing doesn’t find handicaps at public places, at least, the smart ones among them.

Toilet, bathroom, bread, butter, tea, shirt, trouser, tie, socks, shoes, bag, office, the daily cycle, I repeated and finally sat back quietly at my office table, going through the resignation letter for the umpteenth time. Internal letters like that weren’t enveloped in my school, all one would need to do was give it to the secretary, bare but signed. And I did just that before I resumed back to office to chat and smile on my phone, trying as much as possible to forget about Mary and her troubles.

I seemed to be free in those periods; Big Victor wasn’t around to dish out new suffocating tasks. I hadn’t spoken with Aunt Arike since the previous day. I wasn’t eager to. Toro was telling me that she’d like to know my mum; that we should pick a day to travel to my hometown. Well, it wasn’t a bad idea; I applauded it and we picked a day in three weeks.

I walked about the school for some time, going to classrooms to see if teachers were conforming to the onus of school time-table. Pending the time when my letter would be received by Big Victor and got paid off, I still had to play my leadership roles. I wondered though, ever since I’ve been announced a member of the Council of Stakeholders, I’ve never been invited to any meeting of theirs; there were more things happening in that school than I had imagined, I suspected. I was never more eager to put everything behind me.

I was not intending to go to my office when I saw Mary headed there, the break bell rang before I met up with her. As she opened my door, I followed her immediately and closed the door behind me.

“Baby, I’ve missed your touch,” she said and started undoing her buttons.
I told her to stop. “This is not a bathroom, why are you undressing?”
“As if you didn’t hear that I miss your touch.”
“Stop, I’m telling you to stop now.”

I was conscious of the possibility that our conversation could be rolling unto a recorder or even overseen by a video camera hidden somewhere amidst those books and stuffs on the shelf.

“I just miss it and I don’t mind doing it here.”
“You are out of your mind, leave my off—iss.”

By that time, her boobs were out and a part of my mind had begun to urge me to hold unto them and kiss them while her hands messed around my belt, such round boobs! Another part of my mind screamed though, ‘another dirty trick up her sleeve!’

“Get out of my office!” I managed to yell out of my salivating complication and she was spooked by it.
“Why shouting now?” she began to redo the buttons. “It’s not like you’re that impressive. How many inches do you even have that you’re doing like… mtcheww…” she scoffed, doing the last button. “I came to tell you that I’ve seen your handiwork, you and your wife’s. Do you know how much they sell that television set? You have explanations to give when your boss resumes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just leave.”
“By the way, what exactly did you do to the TV, ehn?”
“What TV? I said you should leave.”

She clapped her hands, one over the other, hissing as she did.

“Ade, you have a talent for thinking you are smart, but you’re not smart, you’re only good at thinking you are.”
“You’re not okay. You have a mind for thinking you’re smarter, but you’re not even smart at all, you’re only good at being stupid.”
“I know why you’ve suddenly become like this. It’s because of that slut, Benedicta’s sister. Just give me some time ehn, it’ll soon be over with her. Aunt Arike won’t be here by the end of this term to support you. Just let my daddy return.”

Pèlé, omo dádì. (sorry, daddy's pet) Ptcheww!

I laughed to taunt her. “What temerity! God knows how many teachers you’ve had sex with in this school to quench your animal urges. Can’t you for once just see how foolishly cheap you’re parading yourself? A secondary school girl like you, a small girl with no exposure whatsoever, huh, I pity you, it’s not your fault, you’re a spoilt brat. Look at me very well and go and write today’s date down. You can cause Aunt Arike’s eviction, I’ll say good job but… separating me and that girl? Don’t even think about it. I know you recorded my conversation with Phillips and sent it to her, didn’t it fail to bring your intended results? I don’t even care if you’re recording my voice right now, you can go and fuck yourself. You’re the queen bee here, aren’t you? Being a student powerful than the teachers, hun? But we can’t be under your rule when we’re no more here, can we? Don’t worry. Off I go soon.”

She was quiet for a while, looking at me with her good colors vanishing from her fat face, and then a pair of stream ran off her eyes, across her face.

“I really wish it didn’t have come to this,” she sobbed meagerly. “But… you—you’ve left me with no option than to… than to… I love you. I don’t know how else to show it, haven’t I tried? I know I’m wayward and stupid and invasive about the whole thing but… would you have taken me seriously if I haven’t been like this? Can’t you see your name written all over my mind? I can’t cause you to leave this school, I don’t want to. It’d be a loss to me, to everyone. Aunt Arike and that girl… they’re hurting me, I can’t share you with them, that’s why this—” she coughed slightly. “Ade, I love you,” she continued. “Please let us stop this misunderstanding, please!” She held unto my collars.

I watched her keenly. All I saw was a pretender, tears borne of pretense to hoodwink me into another epileptic cobweb of deceit and propaganda.

“Err…” I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry it has to end anyways. I’m your teacher. I can’t—I c—have you forgotten that?”
“But we’ve gone too far to end it now. You… you’ve gone too far.”
“We haven’t gone anywhere. Please just leave, I have things to do.”

I shirked her hands off my collars.

“After you've had sex with me? We haven’t gone anywhere?” She wiped her face.
“Wha—I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please, you have to leave now.”
“Oh—oh,” she wiped her face again and stepped back from me, “I knew it might come to this.”

She went over to the bag she had dropped on my sofa when she came in and searched through it to withdraw a phone which after she tapped for seconds extended to me, and there on the screen was the video of a man and a girl, having a hardcore sex. The video was so clean and clear that my face there couldn’t have been mistaken for someone else’s, hers wasn't hidden either.

“I know you’ll not like this,” she said, sniffing back the coming mucus. “I didn’t want to record us but when I left you with the sympathizers during my mum’s death for the toilet that day, the thought crossed my mind and I couldn’t resist it. I set the camera before I returned to the living room to fetch you. I’m sorry it had to be like this, and don’t think I recorded this to blackmail you or threaten you. You were quite—okay—okay, break time is over, I have something important to tell you. I think I’m pregnant.”

All the bells in the world rang all at once in my head, but I was sure it was another ruse, so, the bells stopped but left a headache.

“I’m supposed to have seen my period last week,” she continued, “nothing throughout, and that has never happened before. I have to go for a test, just formality though, I know I’m pregnant and I won’t abort it. Why can’t you talk now, hun? Why are you just looking at me like that? Are you not happy about it?”

....to be Continued!


Great post thank you for the insight. I'm looking forward to this event great!!!

Ok..Thank you

Cant wait for the other part


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Nice one

Thanks bro