in #nigeria7 years ago

Great Minds

We celebrate knowledge, everyone loves it and desires knowledge of and about a lot of things. But much as we sing praise and celebrate knowledge, there are also some hitches and discomfort that comes with it, just like the saying; everything that has advantage also has disadvantage especially when in excess. They say excess of everything is bad, knowledge is not exception.

Yes when you know too much, you become extra careful and this infringes on your freedom. You become bound to your knowledge. You become an observant of rules and procedures because you have the knowledge of the consequence of failure. This is different from the man who never knew much, he live freely and never afraid to make mistake.

There was a story of two different people suffering from a deadly disease, one of them was told of his condition after going to hospital but the other was not told. Both were given treatment accordingly and after some months the first man who was aware of his terminal deadly sickness became so sick and he finally died while the second lived longer and health and later got healed miraculously. The man who had knowledge of his condition that he might die soon started living with fear and desperation so much that it affected his system.

While is good to know, it is important not to be dependent fully on what we know or what information that is around us. You must know that not all person's are the same, our systems are not the same. What work for A may not necessary work for B. What kills A may not kill B. So be careful in your knowledge, be knowledgeable but be smart and wise. Don't let your knowledge imprison you and put you to more sorrow.

Live simply and enjoy life

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