
in #nigeria8 years ago (edited)

I Remember years ago, if a girl had any sexual interfere of any sort with a fellow lady, it is considered a psychological epilepsy or better still a spiritual gang up that should not be discussed publicly but tackled immediately. such person is prayed for, such person is guided by elders, such person is shunned.
Then came some years after, this insanity found it way to the media, they used all form of strategies, they started with rejection, then to discussion, then to argument and counter argument, then to partial agreement, then it became a normal discussion, then people with such psychological issues felt safe, they saw no need for a cure any longer, let love win, they scream, they kiss in the open, get engaged to one another with other psychologically decapitated people cheering them up, they get married and people who call themselves men of God, bless them and unite them in God's name.
It all started with the media. The internet, t.v stations and all it forms, failed humanity, we failed we failed God, we failed ourselves, we failed the next generation, we failed. GOD is omnipotent meaning all powerful, he is omniscient meaning he knows all, if he knows all, and then designed marriage, if he punished Sodom and Gomorrah, who is man, who is man, who is man to accept it, to encourage it, to give explanation why it should remain, hey I know wat u are thinking,, am not God, am not your judge and I am not perfect. But I know for sure if you are involved in such act, you are psychologically and spiritually sick, u need support, you need God to help you, you are not just alright at all. The Media made home videos, the internet brought up discussions and openly exposed this ailment, so that it is normal in our eyes. The world especially the western world remember, there is a God who is judge. Man can never be more knowledgeable than him, the teachings of God is the standard for our living. Nigeria should never allow this evil permeate deeper than it has gone into our society, we shouldn't justify it, parents, siblings, friends, immediate and extended families must play their role in sticking to the standard. Love wins when we help this people overcome their ailment.
IMG_20170910_180818.jpgAm scared for my generation, it hurts me badly, and you know what is worse, the word "love" has been betrayed again. They all scream saying #love wins#