What plagues Nigeria???

in #nigeria7 years ago

The country we live in has been plagued with numerous atrocities including inadequate power supply, corruption of the highest order, money looting, kidnapping etc but amongst all these, the chief in my opinion still remains selfishness.


Selfishness is the mother of all these. It's the source. It makes us do the unthinkable regardless if someone else is hurting.
Selfishness in my own words is that inward attribute that makes one think he and he alone deserves any and everything. It makes you place yourself far above everyone else. It makes you think you alone deserves to be happy and it makes you go the extra to get what you even if it is to someone else's detriment.
Now with the above definitions, we can see that selfish people are the reasons this Nation would find it so hard to be classified as second world, more or less first world.
Sadly, one of the building blocks of our great nation is selfishness. It's sad but that's the bitter truth. Nigeria has suffered from this plague for so long a time that it has become part of the genetic make-up of an averge Nigerian. It has become inbred.Why would a nation like Nigeria doesn't have a fully functional refinery? Because some so called cabals has allowed their selfishness and their personal gain hinder the growth of the nation. I would go indebt on this some other time.
Gladly, to every problem that exist on the face of the earth, there's always a solution......
Only one human virtue can solve the problem of selfishness.
I would talk about it on my next post.

What could this be??