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RE: Was the US Government Correct When they Blew up the Buildings on 9/11/2001?

in #nineeleven9 years ago

Thanks for the great answer. I was raised Pentecost which is just a cult. It is a matter of education. The good news I think is that it seems only old people watch CNN now. Baby boomers where definitely not the greatest generation. They were the most brain washed generation in human history.


it's almost too bad most of them will never realize how much pain they bought for us. did they have any idea what they were doing? i don't think they meant any deliberate harm. in my family at least, they didn't care to look any deeper than they were told. old people vote though, and i think that boomers are more afraid of dying than most so far. we might get out of this yet. i am a little concerned about us being herded into a religious war. what is being done by the rulers in europe with the immigration policies is going to be way worse than 9/11. the list of destabilized countries is growing. anything could happen. however we have more knowledge and information now than any people at any time in the history of humanity. there are an infinite number of ways out if we can figure out how to shake people awake and not panic them in the process. i feel like i'm running off at the mouth. i've been trying to figure this out for a while. there is a news site/podcast you might get something out of see: it is one of the best things i've found so far.