Interesting stuff. If my memory serves correct, I learned about this while reading a Robert Greene book.
By the way, if you add link sources to the imagery you use in your blog, you will have a much better chance at receiving curation from larger accounts on the blockchain, as many curation teams have this set as a curation guideline.
Best wishes to you :)
Certainly so. I have a series of them on my blog.
Interesting stuff. If my memory serves correct, I learned about this while reading a Robert Greene book.
By the way, if you add link sources to the imagery you use in your blog, you will have a much better chance at receiving curation from larger accounts on the blockchain, as many curation teams have this set as a curation guideline.
Best wishes to you :)
This stuff is from Richard Bandler and John Grinder. I didn't actually know that so thank you for the heads up futuremind.