I've been looking into surrealism paintings because these are close to what I used to doodle. Don't ask me to explain the work as I don't even know how or forget right after I made it.
No process shots for this one as I did it in one session and see less need to prove I can draw.

"They are a god if they create an idol."
I wanted to have fun with my "range" in art style. I can do a lot of different visual aesthetics without committing to a particular personal style. As I expand my range, I feel less and less like an artist and more like a wanderer in the craft without a real goal. This is the consequence of exploration and it's its own kind of feeling being lost into one's mind as I work on something I don't even understand.
Loljk, I'm just pretending to be an artist.
The QR code I use as a watermark leads to my @artofadamada account on Hive as a landing page whenever I share my work across other social media. I doubt I'd get a significant reach as I am now but if I can get more people curious about where that QR code leads, hopefully it converts to more sign ups on the platform.
My other social media pages: DeviantArt, Instagram, X