Well, 17 comments every 4 days isn't as terrible as 400 comments every day. We just need some high-power guy to shut them down with a 100% downvote.
To be honest I didn't even expect RCs to help a thing...now they can reduce spam (even if not totally) it's good then. They were there to reduce blockchain congestion as far as I recall. Besides that, you can agree that bandwidth is totally non-sensible in every aspect, right? I don't even know why bandwidth was there, it was just reading 100% all the time lol.
I thought bandwidth was an implementation to reduce load on nodes, but I am not exactly sure, I don't know enough in this field to speak intelligently about it.
I suppose you are correct, this is quite the improvement in the terms you are speaking. I wonder if an algorithm designed to detect bulk spam like this, and disable accounts that practice this is possible? Seems like more practical approach, but would still require concensus.
They were indeed there to prevent excessive load on nodes, but then everyone realized that the algorithm used by the bandwidth system is just horrible. It is based on how much data the transaction contains instead of how much workload it will put on the nodes - say, a transaction will take a bigger amount compared to votes so it will take more bandwidth. But, the total workload over time for votes are so high compared to single transfers (transfers are calculated and updated once, votes are asked every time the post is viewed). This is why the bandwidth system is replaced by RCs...yeah that's what the Steemit blog said as far as I recall.
Algorithm to detect spam uh, I somehow believe that there's already something to detect if something is a bot or a human or a spammer (Steemplus can show if the poster is a human or a bot), but to put it into use to disable accounts that spam is tricky - as far as I know, there are no algorithms intelligent enough to not backfire even for once for complex tasks like these. It is perfectly possible to achieve a very high accuracy for spam fighting with AI technology but the resources taken will be a little too huge for nodes to handle. Plus, it will have to be a community effort - if it's on the nodes, you know we have a problematic witness system and things can go wrong. And probably if Steemit decides to go like this, people will complain that there is no freedom on the blockchain...lmao. You can never expect lesser from humans.
Anyways I'm pretty sure that the blockchain geeks will find a way to work around this over time :) It will most likely be a community effort. And, we will be sitting afar, watching people trying it out, feel that something better can be done, complain, take it down, build something better, put it up again, and the loop continues...but that's how improvement happens, eh?
I do remember hearing about the transaction load issues now that you mention it. It wouldn't surprise me if some new system was added on top of RC's like Bonus Resource Credits, BRC's, whale specific only, for delegation.
(Steemplus can show if the poster is a human or a bot)
I'm a steem-plus supporter (and now investor you could say) and I am not sure exactly what is up with this algorithm, but have you seen my bot rating? I'm somthing like 48 percent bot last time I checked! It bugged me so much I disabled that feature!!!
17 comments with one full manabar for him...that's something really good with the RC system.
Right? I thought RC's were supposed to SOLVE this problem???
Still trying to find the use of this implementation.
Well, 17 comments every 4 days isn't as terrible as 400 comments every day. We just need some high-power guy to shut them down with a 100% downvote.
To be honest I didn't even expect RCs to help a thing...now they can reduce spam (even if not totally) it's good then. They were there to reduce blockchain congestion as far as I recall. Besides that, you can agree that bandwidth is totally non-sensible in every aspect, right? I don't even know why bandwidth was there, it was just reading 100% all the time lol.
I thought bandwidth was an implementation to reduce load on nodes, but I am not exactly sure, I don't know enough in this field to speak intelligently about it.
I suppose you are correct, this is quite the improvement in the terms you are speaking. I wonder if an algorithm designed to detect bulk spam like this, and disable accounts that practice this is possible? Seems like more practical approach, but would still require concensus.
They were indeed there to prevent excessive load on nodes, but then everyone realized that the algorithm used by the bandwidth system is just horrible. It is based on how much data the transaction contains instead of how much workload it will put on the nodes - say, a transaction will take a bigger amount compared to votes so it will take more bandwidth. But, the total workload over time for votes are so high compared to single transfers (transfers are calculated and updated once, votes are asked every time the post is viewed). This is why the bandwidth system is replaced by RCs...yeah that's what the Steemit blog said as far as I recall.
Algorithm to detect spam uh, I somehow believe that there's already something to detect if something is a bot or a human or a spammer (Steemplus can show if the poster is a human or a bot), but to put it into use to disable accounts that spam is tricky - as far as I know, there are no algorithms intelligent enough to not backfire even for once for complex tasks like these. It is perfectly possible to achieve a very high accuracy for spam fighting with AI technology but the resources taken will be a little too huge for nodes to handle. Plus, it will have to be a community effort - if it's on the nodes, you know we have a problematic witness system and things can go wrong. And probably if Steemit decides to go like this, people will complain that there is no freedom on the blockchain...lmao. You can never expect lesser from humans.
Anyways I'm pretty sure that the blockchain geeks will find a way to work around this over time :) It will most likely be a community effort. And, we will be sitting afar, watching people trying it out, feel that something better can be done, complain, take it down, build something better, put it up again, and the loop continues...but that's how improvement happens, eh?
I do remember hearing about the transaction load issues now that you mention it. It wouldn't surprise me if some new system was added on top of RC's like Bonus Resource Credits, BRC's, whale specific only, for delegation.
I'm a steem-plus supporter (and now investor you could say) and I am not sure exactly what is up with this algorithm, but have you seen my bot rating? I'm somthing like 48 percent bot last time I checked! It bugged me so much I disabled that feature!!!